Partly because of his stammer, brought on by a fall through a roof as a lad, and partly because people from Hesket didn't talk too much as a rule, he didn't care to meet strangers.
Citi obviously made an offer attractive enough for Mr. Lew to get over the fact that he didn't care about consumer credit markets.
After long insisting he didn't care for public relations, Tung recently engaged a high-powered "information coordinator" and gave a revealing interview about his personal life.
While it was happening, I wanted to do anything Jobs asked, because he was able to seem like he didn't care what we thought of him.
On Monday, Nagin said God wanted New Orleans to be predominantly black and said he didn't care what the predominantly white Uptown section of the city had to say about it.
He didn't care whether a bill was popular or politically expedient, Democratic or Republican -- he cared about whether it helped people, whether it made a difference in their daily lives.
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On board, a rather macho admiral bellowed over the intercom that he didn't care about global warming - but his job was to keep watch over the waters around the US and there was now a lot of water where there used to be ice.
After Ken Kutaragi straight up told his rivals that he " didn't care" about the so-called competition they were trying to provide, and those very rivals laughed in his face over Sony's countless delays in producing its miracle machine, it seems that we're finally getting a bit of good ole honesty from Sony's "worldwide studios boss, " Phil Harrison.
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Ferris, 81, says he never tried to use the medals to get benefits such as Veterans Administration health care that he didn't deserve.
As long as he paid, the Arsonist didn't care what the man was like.
"The irony is he didn't even run on health care, " says one Democratic pollster.
He's not here taking care of the Venezuelan government, and he didn't go to the parliament or to the Supreme Court.
BBC: Hugo Chavez: Continuity or crisis as swearing-in delayed?
But unlike the twins in his care, he didn't grow up with myriad colorful toys and gadgets -- or even his own room.
But though he loved solving puzzles, he didn't enjoy day-to-day patient care.
He had no idea why, and didn't really care.
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"If I don't get health care, I'll wish I didn't run for president, " he said.
Although he worked with Republicans on many issues, notably education and immigration, critics say recently he didn't go far enough to create a bipartisan health care bill.
Speaking on Thursday, Mr Maduro said the president "didn't take care of his health because he gave his body and soul" to the people.
He didn't rule out the possibility of other changes regarding the health-care implementation.
"But it didn't seem to care who was singing, " he says.
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One care professional at the hospital didn't know why he had been sectioned, and this is the crux of the problem.
"If you didn't care you wouldn't be here, " he said earnestly.