It's his second time visiting the continent and this trip is most notable for where he isn't going.
And as Kidd showed in the postseason, he isn't nearly the same player anymore.
When he isn't playing or cooling his heels in some civil servant's office, Sunny goes slumming.
Still, Mr. Ivanov says he isn't concerned about recent trends in the office market.
He isn't a registered securities broker in Arizona or with the National Association of Securities Dealers.
He isn't a comedian, he's somebody in the midst of a very important emergency.
The Rolling Stones guitarist says he isn't a fan of the ultra-popular music device.
Once in office, of course, he isn't all that clear on how an economy works.
He also says that, personally, he isn't sure how he feels about the issue.
He refuses to perform when he isn't paid before going on stage, as his contract specifies.
"I know he isn't supposed to do anything until Monday at the earliest, " Cashman said.
At the very least because he's a determined man who says he isn't giving up.
But Alwaleed feels that if an investor doesn't have some losers, he isn't trying hard enough.
He isn't afraid to lose--and he'll find a way to come back and win.
When he isn't hurting teams with devastating, swerving strikes, he's punishing them with his speed.
Though Baker is quoted at length in Downing's book, he isn't happy with the result.
Gary Sick, an expert on Iran at Columbia University, says he isn't so sure.
But if everything police say about Dorner is true, Usera said he isn't necessarily surprised.
Hideto Sakaoka, a 54-year-old company employee, says he isn't voting for the DPJ again.
And he isn't stuck in front of the game console with friends all the time.
The first is that he isn't really all that committed to bringing deficits under control.
Like the seductive and elusive hero of "The Talented Mr. Ripley, " he isn't quite there.
But Mr. Chichvarkin also says he isn't as eccentric as he used to be.
WSJ: Welcome to a Hedonist World | Yevgeny Chichvarkin and Hedonism Wines
Mr. Smith believes his collection is the biggest, although he isn't in any world record book.
While Bryne acknowledges that he did help create the instrument, he admits that he isn't the composer.
And while some experts expect consolidation among builders in the Northeast, he isn't soliciting buyout offers yet.
While Benedict is the first Catholic pope to take to Twitter, he isn't the first twitterized pope.
Michael Rebell, who battled the state for 13 years, said he isn't necessarily headed back to court.
You see it in the way he isn't fazed by the scale and the complexity of something.
Mr. Issa says he isn't uncomfortable, but is angry that he can't find work and start a family.