That's why he compromised in the way that he did and he put forward offers that represented true good faith in their attempts to meet Republicans halfway.
As part of the very detailed proposal that he's put forward and that has been endorsed by our ISAF partners, we are now beginning to draw down U.S. forces from Afghanistan.
He has demonstrated his willingness to agree to pay-fors that are different from the ones he put forward and from the ones that Senate Democrats put forward.
My point is that he will put forward a series of proposals that, by any objective measure and observation by you and others, are the kinds that have enjoyed bipartisan support in the past.
He has put forward proposals that demonstrate his commitment to making tough choices, to meeting Republicans halfway in the arena of common ground and he certainly hopes that Republicans will similarly come forward with proposals that demonstrate that kind of spirit.
And in the name of balanced deficit reduction, he put forward the proposal that, unfortunately, even though it was widely recognized to have been made in good faith and to have represented an effort to meet the Republicans halfway, the Republicans walked away from, which is a shame.
So the American -- so the President believes -- again, because he will put forward proposals that we believe should have bipartisan support, that faced with that imperative -- because everyone here is working for the American people, and the members of Congress, like the President, were elected by the American people -- will do the right thing and actually focus on the issues that matter, which -- the economy and jobs.
But the 2012 budget that he put forward is very much a down payment on that.
Now, with regard to Representative Ryan -- I have a lot of respect for Mr. Ryan and I have read the plan that he put forward -- it is worthy to delve into that for a moment, because it provides a contrast.
Many provisions of Simpson-Bowles are reflected in the positions he took over the summer and in the plan that he put forward in September.
He also believes that the pay-for the Senate Democrats have put forward meets the principles that he laid out.
He has consistently put forward proposals that include entitlement reforms, not just revenues.
He has put forward a proposal that addresses the need for entitlement reform in a very serious way as part of a comprehensive package that includes tax reform that would close loopholes and cap deductions in a way that Speaker Boehner said was his position just two months ago.
He believes Congress can and will act, that there are measures -- that the measures he will put forward on Thursday should have and hopefully will have bipartisan support because of the urgency that members of Congress will feel returning from their recesses, having heard from their constituencies -- their constituents about the need to create jobs and grow the economy.
He recently put forward a set of ideas that Congress could act on that build on the measures he proposed last fall.
He's adding his voice to Senator Kerry's that he is afraid that the plan put forward is inadequate to deal with this problem.
He believes that we have work to do, and he believes that both the agenda he has put forward so far and the agenda he will put forward in the future will help this country move forward in a variety of ways.
It is of a piece with his budget that he put forward in February 2012.
The deal that he put forward to Speaker Boehner in December, which, unfortunately, the Speaker walked away from, remains on the table.
But we -- he put forward and worked on legislation that did not succeed in Congress because of the opposition that exists there.
But the revenue achieved through a potential compromise here, at least the one that he put forward, would be locked in, and then the reform would be essentially revenue-neutral.
He put forward a 2012 budget proposal that reduced the deficit by over a trillion dollars and included within it the kind of balance that he thinks is essential to deal with our longer-term deficit and debt issues.
But he -- but there are things that we need to do with Congress, and he'll continue to do that -- whether it's on energy, or transportation, or the job creation measures of the jobs act that have yet to be passed, or the startup legislation that he put forward.
And he now supports the legislation put forward that was originally put out last year and again a few weeks ago that will allow the states three years earlier than planned to propose initiatives that can bring them to -- achieve the goals set by the Affordable Care Act through the innovative ideas that they themselves come up with.
Mr Goodall explained that as all of the organisations in Wales had now put forward their forecasts, he was confident that they would break even.
And he will put forward his proposal, a collection of ideas that he thinks will have the most effective impact on the economy and jobs.
He will, tomorrow night, put forward a jobs and growth package that he is quite certain responds to what the American people are demanding and is responsive to what the American economy demands.
Now he has a forum in which to put forward his arguments in a way that he hasn't in the past.
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That is what drives all of the economic proposals that he has put forward.
He has put forward principles behind tax reform that include the Buffett principle and reducing deductions that the wealthiest Americans can take.