They ordered him to give the Kaiko Maru free passage, and he reluctantly complied.
He conceded that he should have been a better patient when he reluctantly visited the hospital during the GOP convention.
At the conclusion of the interview, I reached over to shake the hand of the interviewer and he reluctantly shook it.
Told that he had to take physics first, he reluctantly agreed, only to discover that he had a knack for it.
Through the sale he reluctantly gave up his anonymity but in the process gained a better tool for good: a powerful following.
FORBES: Chuck Feeney: The Billionaire Who Is Trying To Go Broke
He reluctantly turns down the offer, citing an overbooked writing schedule.
His neighbor complains that the additional U.S. troops in Baghdad mean he feels even more under occupation, but at the same time he reluctantly acknowledges his neighborhood feels more secure.
And the bond purchases he reluctantly sanctioned in 2010 and 2011 were a lot more half-hearted than the programme of "outright monetary transactions" described, at some length, by Mr Draghi, today.
But he has managed to stay grandiloquently vague on policy and not particularly modern on those rare occasions when he has chosen, as he reluctantly did last week, to toss a sprinkling of detail into the air.
Le, who returned to his homeland in 2001 after picking up a degree in finance from Australia's Monash University, prefers to share the spotlight with his inner circle of six managers. (He reluctantly agreed to pose solo--and colorfully--for a FORBES ASIA photo.) He's adopted the Silicon Valley culture and has granted shares to 150 of the key managers among his 1, 000-plus employees.
He did reluctantly make one concession to the cold: He said the undershirt he wore was a little thicker than normal.
He has reluctantly given in to public pressure to hold a referendum on the constitution.
Woodrow Wilson's illnesses were kept secret, and he only reluctantly gave up the idea of standing for a third term.
In a letter announcing his resignation, Pernetti said he had reluctantly concluded that it was in the school's best interests for him to stand down.
But he cut his political teeth in the PRI, which he left reluctantly in 1988 when free-market technocrats gained the upper hand in the party which ruled Mexico for seven decades until Vicente Fox's election victory of 2000.
In the letter to parents and pupils, Mr Hole said he had "reluctantly" suspended Mr Eccles.
Mr Johnson said he had "reluctantly" accepted Mr Ross's resignation.
Obama said he agreed only reluctantly (in a deal with Republicans last December) to extend cuts for the wealthy for 2011 and 2012, and would refuse to renew them again.
FORBES: Obama Calls For Automatic Tax Increases If Deficit Isn't Curbed
With the Syrian track dead, Arafat knew as he set off reluctantly for the Camp David summit in 2000 that the hopes of Mr Clinton and Mr Barak now depended on him.
ECONOMIST: America and the Middle East: How to learn from history | The
He went into politics reluctantly, at first unwilling to abandon his career as a small-town lawyer.
Mr Aliyev returned to national politics and a hero's welcome, reluctantly, he said, and may have meant it.
State Attorney General Dan Lungren reluctantly acknowledged he is bound by Proposition 215, but warned he will keep watch on the club to prevent abuses.
That has come reluctantly because he's beaten them so badly over the years and they're not in any rush to help him because if he's gone that's one less guy they have to beat.
"I did not want to do it, but because I really needed my job and he implied that this was a condition of recertification, I reluctantly gave him the password, " he told Maryland lawmakers, who are considering outlawing the practice.
President Clinton has yet to unholster his veto pen, though he is threatening again albeit reluctantly.
As a declared monarchist, he set up the referendum only reluctantly, and did nothing to engage the country in debate.
If he stands, the conservatives may unite reluctantly around Mr Ahmadinejad.
No 10 had come to the conclusion on Thursday that Mr Fox's position was becoming untenable, he added, and Mr Fox had reluctantly reached the same view.