Not to be pigeon holed, he was elected to the city council of San Carlos, CA, where he was later chosen to be the Mayor until his untimely death.
The 62-year-old who retired from the police force 11 years ago said he was "exhilarated" to be elected.
He was reported to be the chief rival to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who was duly elected and became Pope Benedict XVI.
As a bright young tort lawyer, he was elected to the Senate on his first try in 1998 and was picked to be John Kerry's running mate in 2004.
ECONOMIST: A disappointingly grubby coda to a political career
Since he was first elected to the Scottish Parliament five years ago, the SSP has grown to be the fifth biggest party in Scotland, with more than 60 branches.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | The establishment's sharpest thorn
Mr Khatami was elected, by a landslide 70% of voters, because he was thought to be the man who would shepherd a liberalised Iran back from the world's ostracised fringe.
Of course, the popular Johnson could still be in office in 2020, since he was re-elected to a second four-year term in 2012 and a proposal to limit London mayors to two terms was defeated in Parliament.
His courage paid off not only for the soldiers but himself: He was elected to the colonial legislature while the case was underway, and 4 years later would be sent to the Continental Congress.
Obama may be re-elected, but he is no longer believed to be the change-agent he was in 2008, and the rock star politician aura has lost much of its shine.
FORBES: Falling Unemployment Make 2012 Tough Hurdle For Romney
If Barack Obama is re-elected, he will presumably be more willing to let the Bush cuts expire than he was during his first term.
If Governor Andrew Cuomo still believes, as he did when he was elected, that the answer cannot be more and more taxes levied on New Yorkers, a good place to start backing his past rhetoric would be to reduce tax burdens for business owners.
After Mr Ahmadinejad was elected in 2005, to the surprise of almost all the pundits, it was widely assumed he would be a meek figurehead.
Defending the place, he told me that when he was first elected, 15 years ago, perhaps 20 to 25% of MEPs really loved their jobs and actively wanted to be there.