He was portrayed during a five-month trial as an unscrupulous politician who took bribes, rigged contracts and lived far beyond his means while in office until fall 2008.
For example, pictures of Hirohito in military uniform, as he was often portrayed during the war, are rarely seen in Japan.
While Price has never thrown a perfect game (not even in video games, he says), he was honored to be portrayed by 2K Games as its cover boy.
CNN: 'MLB2K13', David Price and the quest for the perfect game
Taylor got a final chance to address his court Wednesday as Mladic's trial opened, and he said he was "saddened" by a verdict that he portrayed as unfair.
On the fringes of the crowd, a former member of Mr Kangler's campaign team admitted that it appeared his candidate had lost his way since gaining power in 2006, but he added that he was also not the criminal ogre portrayed by protesters.
He was, as the eulogies and obituaries portrayed him, a considerate, straightforward individual, with core values of honesty and courage.
But Mourinho insisted he was a very different person one from the portrayed by the media.
Show that he was as complex as a Shakespearean character he portrayed on the stage.
If anything, he added, the play was more dramatic than I portrayed it.
He said the co-ordination of social security legislation was portrayed as a "safety net" for hard-working self-employed people who fall on hard times.
These words put Ortega not only at odds with the interests of his own nation but also portrayed him as being as unreliable as he was in the past.
Stevens is portrayed far more kindly in "Lincoln" than he was almost a century ago as the villain of D.
While Timothy McVeigh , the man executed for his role in the bombing, was widely portrayed as no more than a disgruntled Army veteran, he expressed to friends and at least once publicly (on "60 Minutes") his sympathy for Middle Eastern peoples he felt were victimized by American foreign policy.
In the UK, it was the Liverpudlians who were most sensitive about how they were portrayed, he suggests.
Was the President concerned that by issuing this 1233 in executive order that he might be portrayed as something of a -- like President Kevorkian or something, given the tremendous opposition to that particular aspect of the health care bill from the U.S. population?
Redford, who portrayed Woodward in the movie, said the writer later told him he didn't believe it was the actor on the phone and was worried about being set up.
Our correspondent said he had fallen victim to the persistence of the Labour Party - "who portrayed him as all that was worst about the government, symbolising one rule for those at the top and one for everyone else" - and the Police Federation who were fighting the government over cuts and reform.