He won an Open Scholarship when he went up to New College in 1981.
Campaigning against the establishment and as a champion of the poor, he won 56% of the vote.
Although he won three of the final four stages, he still finished more than 12 minutes behind Hirvonen.
Expeditors has never done an acquisition, and Rose, 64, says he won't even consider one.
He won the top award after scoring 1340 runs in all competitions this season.
He won't touch Japan or South Korea, where the returns are only 2% on equity.
And the fact that he won last night is a pretty remarkable comeback story.
Though European regulators later nixed that union, David, scorned, insists he won't make a second offer.
Mr. Srinivasan told reporters that he won't resign, saying he has done nothing illegal.
He won the Hartford Open in 1967 and two years later took the Los Angeles Open.
He won 54% to 45%, and Ms Colbert Busch called to concede early in the evening.
And if he's somehow by some miracle allowed on the ballot, he won't win.
In a previous run for Congress he won a grand total of 23 votes.
He won by a 23% margin among voters 18-29--just the people who need to enroll.
Before he won the prize in physiology and medicine, Lee Hartwell co-founded Rosetta Inpharmatics.
He won't even commit to giving the British people a say over the EU constitution.
In 1980, still a Yale undergrad, he won a seat on the New Haven, Conn.
He's charged with concealing gifts from oil company executives, and yet, he won big last night.
He won at the NCAA FCS level with the University of San Diego.
FORBES: Why Leadership Matters: Contrasting Start of NFL Season for 49ers, Saints
On Tuesday, he distinguished himself by saying he won't promise that he'll endorse the eventual nominee.
John McCain has a very long pro-life record and he won't walk away from that record.
He's told both Jewish and Arab Americans that he won't come with any grand peace plan.
He won a short-term special election in 1970 and has easily won re-election ever since.
At the 2005 general election he won with majority of 1, 947 over the Liberal Democrat candidate.
He won the season-ending tour championship last year, but he has never won a major.
However, he won't be doing that as the Plaid Cymru rural affairs spokesman, of course.
He won back in 2000 and he spent more time here than most of his rivals.
"Because he knows the Koran, he won't cheat, he won't be corrupt, " Madiha explained.
Intriguingly, he says he won't put his holdings of listed-company shares into the charity.
Maggi has come a long way since 2005, when he won the Golden Chainsaw.