He has flown twice on Concorde, and says he would like to do so again.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Flying MP backs Concorde take-off
But, as a politician, he would like to do everything to deter further job-seekers, invited or otherwise.
He would like to do without museums (except those wonderful provincial examples, like old junk shops, in which nothing is preserved and all is falling to dust).
But to make it revenue-neutral, as he says he would like to do, would require ending popular deductions, for example those on charitable giving and mortgage interest.
"He would like to do that as soon as possible, and he has suggested doing it in a matter of days as opposed to a matter of weeks, " McCurry said.
In a biography on the university's website, Muchnick said the one thing he would like to do before he died was "live, " and that his most embarrassing moment was getting caught lip-synching in a school talent show.
Mr Estrada's oft-repeated excuse for not taking action is that the government does not have the money to do the things he would like it to do.
Ms. PIERRE-LOUIS: He really would like to do something for the country.
But he would like to see the Germans do more to liberalise their own services, to bolster the EU's single market (indeed, he wrote a report for the commission in May 2010 advocating further liberalisation).
"As far as I am concerned, my services to the game and country are known to everyone so it is a needless question as to what I would like to do in this term, " he is reported to have said.
People expect it to be big, and CEO Tim Cook would do well to show investors he can deliver like his predecessor could.
As much as he would like to think so, Sanders didn't do the show all by himself.
"I will be discussing with the people at the club what I would like to do, " he said.
He says they want to do that because they would like to offer it on Android.
The report says that Abramoff, he would arrange with clients to send money to the groups, and then the groups would do things like write op-ed pieces supporting his client's positions.
"It's what all of us would like to do at the dealership level, " he says of Lexus.
If McConnell really tried to do something like he has described, his cuts probably would take place over several years, thus the one-year shock would be softened and 10-year interest costs would be somewhat lower.
FORBES: Mitch McConnell, the Bush Tax Cuts, and the Future of Government
Raikes acknowledged that the culture of the foundation did not have as much curiosity and questioning as he would like and said that intellectual dialogue was one of four cultural priorities on his to-do list.
FORBES: Jeff Raikes On The Challenges And Successes Of The Gates Foundation
While every Democratic candidate has said he or she would like to overturn it, none of the Republican contenders have said they intend to do likewise.
In other words we do not know what the new settlement he is seeking to negotiate would look like.
Some told me privately that they would like to do so, but it all depends on Sankoh honouring the agreement he signed.
He said Apple would consider issues like whether the company could "control the key technology" in assessing whether to do more.
Now he says that in crises like Fiji, Australia would only get involved if there were a United Nations mandate to do so.
Mr Bush would also like to find a way to ensure that the tax cuts he enacted in his first years in office do not expire entirely, as they are currently scheduled to do, in 2010.