"I was in the attic and he scared me because he yelled at me, " Falcon said.
Then he yelled at the air: "This is my stage!"
WSJ: Kentucky Defeats Louisville, Advances to NCAA Championship
Traci Randall said the only time she remembers speaking to her next-door neighbor was when he yelled at her son because he thought he had shot an air pellet at his Jeep.
Traci Randall, who lived next door to Myers, said the only time she remembers speaking to him was when he yelled at her son because he thought the boy had shot an air pellet at his red Jeep.
He may have been a tough boss, he may have been demanding, he may have yelled at his underlings.
Fearing someone had entered the home through the open bathroom window, Pistorius grabbed his 9mm pistol from under the bed, moved in the dark on the stumps of his amputated legs and yelled at what he thought was the intruder to get out.
Sabathia "told (Baker) that he didn't like being yelled at, " Stewart said.
The 24-year-old ace then struck out David Adams and yelled at himself repeatedly as he walked to the dugout.
At this point, the victim struck Erramilli and yelled at him after realizing that he had been groping her.
"I yelled over to him, and he looked at me, said my name, said he was retired and just went booking away, " Copperwheat said.
And when the panicked woman knocked a second time and yelled at him to stop, he said he pulled over and all four survivors escaped through the partition.
You can say things to reassure Milo and make him feel better when he storms into his room, upset at being yelled at.
Use tact and patience with this person because he or she most likely spends all day being yelled at and will respond to reason, calm and manners.
He was serving people in his chip shop when a young yob came in, yelled abuse, spat at customers and smashed the shop window.