Men's chances of becoming a head teacher were more than three times greater than women's.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | More 'Mr Right' teachers wanted
The Chaddesden school's head teacher Phil Dover said repairs such as replacing collapsed drains were urgent.
Mandy le Brocq is the head teacher at St Christopher's school where Holly is a pupil.
Head teacher Martin Braidley said that schools could be adversely affected if "rogue" results were published.
But problems began shortly after a new head teacher was appointed to his school in 1995.
"Talking to a very feisty head teacher there it drove her absolutely mad, " said Mr Barton.
Head teacher and government adviser Sir Alan Steer said he was responding to teachers' concerns.
The tribunal said head teacher Peter Trythall's conduct "borders on contempt for statutory duties".
Inspectors interviewed a number of senior staff including the head teacher and chairman of governors.
Head teacher Thomas Marshall said temperatures had fallen to about -6C on Monday night.
Head teacher at Ballakermeen High School, Adrienne Bernett said she fully supported the move.
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Head teacher Julie Robinson is the vice-chairman of the Independent Association of Prep Schools.
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The head teacher said conditions were "probably the worst" he had seen in 25 years.
Head teacher Gwyn Tudur said he "questions a system which allows such a big change".
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The head teacher, who confronted him in a corridor, was the only one killed.
Head teacher Neil Hodgkins said it was a great initiative because hungry children have caused problems.
In its report, Ofsted praised current head teacher, Janet Relton, who joined the school in September 2012.
"Life is not fair, " said James Marjoribanks head teacher of Holmewood House prep school in Langton Green.
Marika Jurgin the head teacher at Sikupilli Kindergarten, says they also use their computers for community lessons.
The head teacher said the boy, from Llanelli, in Carmarthenshire, was "a follower more than a leader".
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But Cornwall Council (CC) said the action revolved around head teacher visits to classrooms and not pay.
Julia Burns, head teacher of Leicester High School for Girls, agrees it is wrong to blame teachers.
Highland Council is still having problems filling a head teacher vacancy at a Gaelic-medium school in Inverness.
Greenfylde School in Ilminster remained open as the head teacher slept on site to ensure no disruption.
Robert Charles Yeomans, former head teacher of St John's Primary School in Walsall, for services to education.
But head teacher Karen Moore has said that was because it has long had an uncertain future.
Ysgol Pennant's head teacher Buddug Bates welcomed the decision, but claimed the school's long-term future remained uncertain.
One head teacher said children with specific difficulties now concentrate more, read better, and their self-esteem has rocketed.
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Ultimately, the head teacher is the one person who shouldn't be walking away from incompetence within the classroom.
Ms Mann, a mother-of-two, took up the head teacher's post at Sytchampton Endowed school about six months ago.