The longest and most boring headman's message came from Randall Tobias of Eli Lilly.
Nextel, incidentally, was run then by Dan Akerson who now is headman at General Motors.
Years later, Tom Watson, its headman, admitted he had bet his company on this initiative.
The focus is on the new headman, Michael Armstrong, who comes from Hughes Electronics.
The pair joined a group squeezed in to the village headman's house to survive, Sitko said.
The median is 5 percent, but more if the headman issues disappointing guidance for coming quarters.
The reports suggested that the headman was a member of the Bajrang Dal, a hard-line Hindu group.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: Second Affront
For Steve Schwarzman, headman at The Blackstone Group, a 60th birthday party was enough to raise eyebrows.
Ray Irani, headman at Occidental Petroleum, got away with a compensation package that built his fortune over decades.
My corporate relationships then embraced the headman, his CFO and division line executives.
Most Indonesians still live in the countryside, where the village headman's future depends on ensuring a good turnout for Golkar.
Indeed, on the day Ibrahim was arrested in Bangalore, Indian papers reported an assault on a nun in a village in Gujarat by the local headman and his friends.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: Second Affront
He was twice recognized as best village headman of his province and even honored by royal visits to observe his efforts to develop his hamlet and keep it drug-free.
Is headman Larry Page afraid Carl Icahn is ready to pounce, buy 4.9 percent of Google, pound the table, demand 3 board seats and insist YouTube be spun off?
Upon arrival at a village, you or your guide will need to ask the Kepala Kampung (village headman) for permission to stay the night, and a cash donation should also be made to him on your departure.