And, yes, at the margins there will always be tough decisions, but fundamentally no one can both believe in the American health care system and the professionals who provide that health care who believes in proper management believes you should sacrifice basic quality of care to the decision made by an accountant to make the bottom line of an HMO bigger.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton speaks on patients' bill of rights
So are there ways that we can -- through preventive care, better efficiencies, better management, make the health care system overall more effective?
WHITEHOUSE: Tele-Town Hall: The Affordable Care Act & Seniors
And I'm telling you a lot of us who have supported the idea of efficient, more efficient management of the health care system are for it.
CNN: Transcript: Clinton speaks on 'patients' bill of rights'
Cincinnati Children's is a rare case in the U.S. health care system of what happens when factory-style operations management conquers the improvisational and often sloppy delivery of care in hospitals.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Convinced the problem was rooted in poor management, Kenagy, now fully recovered, became an administrator at a Catholic health care system outside of Seattle that tried to integrate doctors and hospitals into one seamless process.
FORBES: The Man Who WouldSave Health Care