• "Mr Gross's health continues to be normal, and he regularly exercises vigorously, " the statement read.

    BBC: Cuba 'ready to negotiate' fate of US detainee Gross

  • Community members can discuss exercises, BMI or weight changes and other health topics with other players as a way to encourage one another to reach their fitness goals.

    ENGADGET: Nintendo Wii U to get Virtual Console service this spring

  • If you want to make such a gift, you'll need a qualified appraisal, a public charity willing to accept the gift--there's only so much practice a fire department can take--and state laws allowing it (Kansas' health department, for example, limits fire-training exercises to interior portions of the home, not the total structure).

    FORBES: Ultradeductible

  • This is a tragedy, especially with Americans presenting with significant numbers of preventable health problems that could be prevented or corrected with the proper forms of recreational activities and exercises: some forms of obesity, heart disease, mild forms of depression, etc.

    BBC: School PE lesson

  • The health care hype fest at the White House Thursday looks like it may be one of those rare exercises in Washington futility that actually has considerable utility.


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