Established in north Wales in 1974, Meridian produces a range of health foods and organic products.
It also set up its Global Nutition Group to penetrate the market for health foods.
Fooducate helps you spot those tricky non-health foods quickly by cutting your research time in half.
Now vertical dis-integration is the order of the day in autos, handheld computers, pharmaceuticals, ink-jet printers, health foods, cameras, microchips.
One little problem: Removing the fat made many "health foods" taste like cardboard, so manufacturers added sweeteners to make everything palatable.
WSJ: The Experts: What role should government play in combatting obesity?
She phoned EAS, a Golden, Colo. maker of vitamins and health foods, saying she'd heard the company needed a new broker.
That's what is likely happening now, as waistline-watchers discover that gluten-free diets and exotic health foods like quinoa aren't automatically slimming.
Tom Roffey, the co-owner of Hansa Health Foods, said he was concerned about the effects of the new laws on his business.
Supervalu exited some markets in the U.S. in the last fiscal year including Connecticut and Ohio, and it sold its higher priced health foods chain Bristol Farms, as part of a plan to create savings that it can put into price competition for groceries, which may seem especially prudent now as shoppers are aware of rising prices as a result of higher commodity costs.
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Some organic, or "health, " foods have fared better than the rest of the sector of late.
In the United Kingdom, the Food Standards Agency, described as a food watchdog, wants to defuse the so-called obesity time bomb and is considering such methods as a ban on TV advertising aimed at children, health warnings on foods high in salt, sugar and fat, and requiring school vending machines to offer healthy alternatives, according to press reports.
In Europe, the legislation specifies that not all foods may be permitted to carry health claims, and the intention is that foods of poor nutritional quality would not be eligible.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
Encouraged by a government keen to improve public health, Japanese manufacturers have long tinkered with packaged foods to allow them to make health claims.
The stock is not cheap, but value at Whole Foods includes better health.
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Some of the biggest employers in the area include MDU Resources Group, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Cloverdale Foods, Sanford Health, St.
FORBES: The Cities with the Best and Worst Unemployment Rates
Mr Meacher said studies on the effects of GM foods on human health had been "scientifically vacuous", and warned the government against rushing the debate.
Michael Meacher - sacked as a minister in the recent reshuffle - said studies on the effects of GM foods on human health had been "scientifically vacuous", and warned the government against rushing the debate.
His 40 products--snack foods aimed at health-conscious consumers--include Veggie Booty (puffed rice and corn seasoned with dried kale, spinach, broccoli and carrot), Pirate's Booty (the same stuff coated in white cheddar) and Fruity Booty with peach and mango powder.
How microbes are modified by individual lifestyle, environmental exposure and interaction with human genes and disease is part of an ambitious research agenda scientists hope will lead to new strategies, medicines and foods to maintain health and treat disease.
Adina started in health food stores, Whole Foods Market, and Wegmans, and it is now available in more mainstream stores like Safeway and is being test marketed in the Pepsi distribution change (you can buy it at LaGuardia airport, for instance).
However, among children who were considered to be in excellent health --because of a combination of factors including physical activity, greater access to healthy and adequate foods, and access to health care -- 37 percent took vitamins, according to the analysis.
In some cases, like the ProBugs kefir, manufacturers aren't adding new ingredients but merely repackaging old foods with bold new health claims.
Annie Donovan: Our overarching goal is to improve access to high quality health and elder care, healthy foods, housing and education in low-income communities.
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She dismissed concerns from outside the US that genetically-modified (GM) foods could harm human health as "unsubstantiated", and addressed drug trafficking and the employment of former nuclear weapons scientists.
Some of the devotion from consumers attains almost cult-like status, which is why a recent article by Stanford University researchers that was dismissive of health or nutritional benefits of organic foods created such a furor.
But Ja-Boon Kwak, owner of Kang Suh restaurant in Koreatown and chairwoman of the Committee for the Globalization of Korean Food, said through an email translated from a spokesman that "many" Korean restaurants have received health-code violations for fermented foods.
Mark Lynas, a British journalist and longtime anti-GMO campaigner who is credited (or blamed, depending upon your perspective) by some with coining the word Frankenfood, delivered a public and articulate denouncement of himself or rather his former belief that GM crops and foods were a public health and environmental scourge.
Health department rules long required most cooked foods to be kept at either below 41 degrees or above 140 degrees, for up to two hours.
This is a little reminder of the levels of regulation drugs have to go through that many other products making health claims, like supplements or functional foods, do not.
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