Police officers escorted the hearse to the church, and stood outside as the bell tolled.
The body of the victim was removed from the scene in a white hearse.
Others, still stunned from the loss, stood quietly in black as the hearse drove by.
He will be cremated later Friday and the remains carried back by hearse to Bongha.
Crowds cheered loudly as the motorcade, led by Mrs Parks' hearse and a vintage DC Metro bus, arrived.
Later, Chavez's coffin traveled down the street in a black hearse, to the roar of thousands of admirers.
"A hearse, a hearse, my kingdom for a hearse, " more than a few punsters tweeted upon that news.
Two people were arrested last November in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, suspected of using a hearse to smuggle drugs.
The body was taken in a hearse from Bangalore airport to Mr Pal's home before the last rites were performed.
BBC: Souvik Pal: Indian student's body cremated in Bangalore
Trying to do that Friday, as soldiers and red-shirted Chavistas cheered on the hearse, would have been nothing less than life-threatening.
The casket was placed atop a hearse, which was festooned with flowers and wreaths and driven slowly toward the military academy.
As the hearse pulled away, followed by the other cars in the cortege, officers stood to attention and bowed their heads.
BBC: PC Fiona Bone: Manchester Cathedral funeral for shot PC
As the hearse with his body passed through the streets of Tokyo, fans several deep at the roadside called out "Sayonara!"
At exactly 10am, and with surprising speed, Maggie's hearse, flanked by half a dozen police on bikes, exits the chapel at Westminster.
CNN: Why I didn't give Thatcher satisfaction of turning my back
As the hearse drew away, the half-muffled bells of St Paul's began to ring, the solemnity of the sound hanging in the air.
Thatcher's coffin had lain overnight at a chapel at the Palace of Westminster and was taken by hearse to the Church of St.
Eight standard bearers from the Welsh Guards lowered their flags in tribute as the hearse was driven into the grounds of the chapel.
Skuba stood out front and watched as the hearse, under heavy police escort, pulled out and the funeral procession headed to the cemetery.
The casket was placed on top of a hearse decorated with flowers and wreaths, which slowly made its way toward the military academy.
At that time, Kim Jong Il walked beside his father's hearse, which appeared to be the same vehicle used Wednesday, a Lincoln Continental.
After a solo performance of Ave Maria and the conclusion of the Mass, O'Donnell's coffin was carried from the church to the waiting hearse.
Chavez's hearse started from the military academy, which is surrounded by bare-brick slums that cling to hillsides rising almost vertically into the Caribbean sky.
His company, Coaching in Bavaria, has three employees and a fleet that includes two coaches, two post omnibuses, four smaller sporting vehicles and a hearse.
The union jack-draped coffin had arrived earlier in an escorted hearse.
The hearse ended its journey winding through the Chavez stronghold of the "23 de enero" slum and stopping in front of the military museum overlooking Caracas.
The bells at Westminster Abbey were pealing as the procession left, the hearse containing the Queen Mother being followed by Prince Charles in the car behind.
There were few spectators as the motorcade made its way toward the National Cathedral, although white-gloved police officers stationed along the way saluted as the hearse went by.
PDT, the hearse is scheduled to arrive at the auditorium.
CNN: Goldwater's Body To Be Cremated; Funeral Set For Wednesday
Following the prayer, the coffin was taken to the mosque, first by hearse, then by horse-drawn carriage for a military procession through the streets of Cairo to Al-Maza Air Base.
Then he could have the funeral she had planned for him, with the horse-drawn hearse, and his grave would be marked with the wooden cross she kept on the mantlepiece.