They have nixed heart-rending solicitations with shorter-term goals, like sheltering battered women or feeding hungry children.
This year's nominees represent a mix of smart punditry, beautifully produced videos, unique storytelling and heart-rending personal essays.
They have nixed heart-rending solicitations with shorter-term goals, like sheltering battered women, educating the illiterate, feeding hungry children.
To justify its new assertiveness, the post office comes up with heart-rending self-justifications.
As heart-rending as the victims' testimony has been, McQueary's firm and unambiguous account could be just as damaging to Sandusky.
We have all seen the heart-rending images of the impact of the disaster, and we have all been shaken by the stories they tell.
The most heart-rending story is that of 5-year-old Dayana Arlotti and her father William, who were both unable to find space on a lifeboat.
The case is published in Genetics and Medicine, a research journal, and was the subject of a heart-rending and informative three-part series by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that deserves to win an award.
It's above all to Ms. Watson's portrayal of Janet, a heart-rending blend of steel and pathos, and to Dominic West, who brings a serial killer to convincing life onscreen, that this film owes its great power.
In this sense, and many others, the 3.11.11 disaster will continue to be exact a heavy toll on Japan, even as its heart-rending human and material toll in the Tohoku region grow dimmer in sight and memory.
The cases received increasing news coverage in a fast-changing landscape that saw a proliferation of media outlets with growing interest in compelling visual images -- such as a heart-rending photo of a smiling child or video of parents pleading for their child's safe return.
While the plot may recall other allegorical crossings (such as the one that the Knight, the Squire and the circus family undertake in Ingmar Bergman's film "The Seventh Seal"), the power of Blackburn's book lies in her language and in her ability to conjure images that are at once spooky and heart-rending.
"Stem cell research has the potential to act as the key which opens the door to many advances in our knowledge and our ability to treat some of the most heart-rending conditions that are presently untreatable, " said the Aberdeen South MP, who suffers from a genetic condition called Gaucher's disease which results in brittle bones.