My family and I are grateful for your many heartfelt prayers and kind thoughts.
FORBES: M.I.A. Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins House Seat While At Mayo Clinic
This is an hilarious, heartfelt, mortifying, embarrassing speech, at least for the first hour or so.
For praise to be constructive, it needs to be specific and heartfelt, Zenger says.
Part of it was investors' heartfelt desire to believe that the worst is over--and it is!
The song is grounded by Kempf's deep, emotive vocals, lending it an honest and heartfelt immediacy.
And then some of them are kind of heartfelt, and some are just for dancing.
"It was very genuine, very heartfelt, very nice, " she said of her one-on-one time with Rivera.
On being handed the 1924 Paris Olympic medals, second-in-command Strutt made his heartfelt pledge.
Your loyalty strategy should move people beyond a non-committal preference for your brand to heartfelt dedication.
Nowhere was the reaction to Francis' selection as pope more heartfelt than in Latin America.
After Patalashvili gave a long and heartfelt toast, I took a deep gulp of the stuff.
It works out that US President Barack Obama is a man of heartfelt, long-held principles.
The key will be to ensure that the making-up is more heartfelt than the breaking-up.
In a heartfelt video she requested support for what has become her life's mission.
The hospital also offered "a heartfelt apology for the distress that has been caused".
Of course the reversal was primarily a business decision, but this apology is heartfelt and nicely done.
FORBES: Maker's Mark Sincerely Apologizes For Almost Diluting Its Bourbon
The gut dislike of death duties seems to arise because the tax clashes with heartfelt dynastic instincts.
With best regards and heartfelt thanks for your love of our country and your help in securing it.
MoD spokesman Colonel Peter Davies said his "heartfelt sympathies" were with the families and friends of the men.
We want to extend our heartfelt condolences to you and to his family, and the people of Afghanistan.
The school said it thanked "everyone for many offers of support" and extended heartfelt sympathy to Christina's family.
With members from France, Tunisia and Corsica, they bring a pan-Mediterranean perspective to their heartfelt rock 'n' roll.
In the days that followed, then-University President John Casteen gave heartfelt speeches that left even hardened journalists in tears.
FORBES: 'Domestic Violence Could Happen To You': A Writer's View -- Part II
If "Glad Rag Doll" is a heartfelt ballad with guitar accompaniment, "Sweet Man" exists in a temporal phantom zone.
Some voices were from heartfelt, quiver-lipped speeches calling for universal tolerance and understanding.
Royal Caribbean said it extended "our most sincere and heartfelt condolences" and was providing assistance to the woman's family.
His heartfelt speech was followed by the Israeli national anthem, sung by the male members of the Knesset choir.
Back at 101 Records, Mr Barnes, has some heartfelt advice for whichever of the firms is successful in Croydon.
In it he wrote of his deep gratitude to the Forbeses and offered heartfelt praise for the whole staff.
In "Wonderstruck, " Ben's and Rose's adventures weave back and forth before coming together in a creative and heartfelt climax.