As a first step, I hereby heartily endorse the framework laid out by the Bowles-Simpson Commission.
So, friends in the publishing industry, I heartily invite you to come blog for us, instead.
All I could do was laugh heartily and assure her that I believed her.
Except for this: Goldman owns about12.5% of Archipelago and heartily endorses the ECN's bold plan.
Anna's church to celebrate Mass, he heartily shook hands with parishioners and kissed babies.
Those who did sit out some of the boom were heartily criticised for doing so.
The results were shown to ten test audiences of 15 young men each, and they heartily approved.
They are heartily sick, for example, of property taxes going up and up, particularly when housing values are trending down.
If you've never been to Herschel's house in New King Street in Bath, I can heartily recommend it.
BBC: Uranus image celebrates Herschel - the man and the machine
And many, if not all of them, would disagree heartily with each other.
The mallam smiles heartily and declines the money, saying his help is free.
Citi's shares rallied heartily, but it is not out of the woods yet.
Kirsten heartily seconds the suggestion and begins filming the scene with his iPhone.
FORBES: Heidi Klum Reboots: The World's Most Famous Model Makes Over Her Life
At 3:30 a.m. they breakfast heartily, then head out to listen for the bugling of bull elk competing for mates.
The greeting, uttered heartily by recruits standing watch on each floor of the three-story brick barracks, was not quite military protocol.
Williams heartily greeted his former teammates, shaking hands before and after the game and offered Foye a hug after his huge night.
And German voters heartily approve of Ms. Merkel's insistence on teaching the overly-indebted nations the virtues of German prudence and hard work.
WSJ: Agenda | Irwin Stelzer: Euro-Zone Shark Still Has Its Appetite
But Linfield had done enough and players and management celebrated heartily as they were presented with the league trophy after the final whistle.
Cheered on heartily by their boisterous supporters, Basle were suddenly enjoying the lion's share of possession and got themselves back into the match.
He has ostentatiously failed to back his party's nominee, Nicolas Sarkozy, a man he heartily dislikes who is in effect running on an anti-Chirac ticket.
The judges on the shows have heartily embraced Cowell's abrasive style.
Clinton, cowed by the vitriolic backlash to her comment, heartily agreed.
FORBES: First Ladies Have More to Debate Than Cookie Recipes
And everyone is heartily relieved to see the back of it.
ECONOMIST: Agreeing to be nice does not solve America��s problems
His last film and 2006 Venice film festival entry, "The Fountain, " was booed heartily by the press but received a 10-minute standing ovation at its public screening.
Robert Prechter , publisher of The Elliott Wave Theorist, heartily concurs that the market was ripe for a short-term rally, but that its longer term prospects are dim.
But I think the Derby is an experience worth doing right, and would heartily suggest at a minimum splurging for the Secretariat lounge and second or third floor clubhouse seats.
We can all agree that this has taken way longer than it should have, but I disagree heartily on one point, and am reserving judgment (for lack of information) on another.
The three business poets profiled below would agree heartily.
That is especially true of the Washington hands who so heartily welcomed the retention of the Bush administration's secretary of defense on the grounds that he was a "centrist, " "non-partisan" and technocrat-turned-statesman.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gates' Choice: His Damage to the All-Volunteer Force