Organizers fear the Washington heat and humidity could cause heat exhaustion among the elderly.
Volunteers trained to spot signs of heat exhaustion and cardiac problems will roam the crowd.
Their journey began near the vineyards where a 17-year-old undocumented farmworker died of heat exhaustion last month.
Two of the dead dogs were puppies and the remaining animals were found suffering from heat exhaustion.
Only one injury has been attributed to the fire, heat exhaustion suffered by a firefighter on Sunday, Christensen said.
Further, the couple frequently reminds their staff to watch out for signs of possible heat exhaustion, such as nausea, excessive sweating or no sweating at all.
The fire captain told CNN there are "a multitude of situations going on" related to their ailments, from heat exhaustion to injuries to their legs and more.
The working Belgian Malinois and a German Shepherd puppy were taken from the dog training centre to an emergency vets, but both later died from heat exhaustion.
Those injured were a firefighter treated for heat exhaustion, a bystander who suffered a heart attack, and a couple in their 80s who were treated for panic attacks.
Crippen's death was caused by heat exhaustion leading to drowning.
"Heat-related illness such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke are a real threat, " the National Weather Service said in issuing an excessive heat warning through Sunday for eastern Missouri, including St.
It was the second title of the year for Mickelson, who had been treated for heat exhaustion and dehydration before carding a last day 69 for a 19-under total of 269.
Even in places where power was not disrupted, people with no air-conditioning were advised to spend the day in a library, a cooling center or some other such place to avoid heat exhaustion.
The siblings claimed Siverls died of heat exhaustion during an endurance hike up a mountain in 90-degree weather with virtually no food or water and wearing a backpack filled with 40 pounds of rocks.
Forecasters say people should limit outdoor activity during the hottest portions of the day, wear lightweight clothing, drink plenty of water and be watchful for signs of heat exhaustion, which include heavy sweating, pale and clammy skin, weak pulse, fainting and vomiting.
The most up-to-date figures for the government's health advice line NHS Direct show it took 318 calls from members of the public on Tuesday, complaining about sunburn, heat-exhaustion, breathing difficulties and other heat-related ailments.