Drivers on the island are limited to 10mph to protect heedless lizards and marsupials.
Yet Obama continues to implement such regulation heedless of the people, the courts and Congress.
In a world of heedless children wielding guns, his tale is a heartening one.
But most of us were young and heedless enough to find our situation appealing.
And we are mindful of the destructive power of mass hysteria and heedless adulation.
And we're still stunned at the choice to bring heedless Cousin Rose back for a second episode.
The price that the outsider pays for being so heedless of custom is, of course, the disapproval of the insider.
For all these reasons, heedless cuts in military spending have no place in a progressive strategy for restoring fiscal discipline.
Ovshinsky is completely heedless of the trail of woe behind him, speaking in ciphers when pressed to defend his track record.
Indeed, the twentieth century brought forth many Dorian Grays: fiendishly pure spirits so wrapped up in aesthetics that they become heedless of humanity.
But if Russia is ready to finance new nuclear-power plants and sell cheap electricity, European consumers will be keen to buy, heedless of political worries.
ECONOMIST: Awkward tussles over nuclear power on Russia��s borders
Such views are also winning favour in Tokyo, and not before time, given the heedless expenditure of capital that has driven down returns, sometimes to negative rates.
France's bosses, heedless of their tendency to cut labour costs by laying off their older workers, say full pensions should come only after 42 years of contributions.