Mr Browne will implore victims to report their treatment to ensure "prosecution of this heinous crime".
But she insists he was a docile boy and could not commit such a heinous crime.
BBC: Family of gang rape accused 'made infamous' in home village
Texan Daniel Snow, a onetime insurance salesman, was charged with a more heinous crime: trading with the enemy.
AMs from all parties welcomed the minister's announcement and voiced their support for his efforts to deal with the heinous crime.
We have a criminal investigation that is ongoing and charges that no doubt will be brought against the perpetrator of this heinous crime.
Prime Minister Najib informed President Obama that Malaysia has made significant efforts to curb human trafficking, and is taking appropriate measures in combating this heinous crime.
Through a family lawyer, the Champions applauded Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton's "courage" in amending the charges to reflect "the heinous crime committed", the Orlando Sentinel reported.
They resent seeing some MPs buy, do up and sell properties on the taxpayer's ticket (a heinous crime in a country where a man's home is not only his castle but his pension too).
He said this was "contrary to principles of justice that our law has always applied in cases however heinous a crime might be".
"Today's Indictment represents just one more step towards closure and healing, not only for the victims of this heinous hate crime, but for the community as a whole, " FBI Special Agent-in-Charge John Brosnan said in a statement.
"In my 23 years of law enforcement, I don't think I've ever seen any crime as heinous as this, " Evans said.
Despite the heinous nature of the crime, the state court imposed lenient sentences, so the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice charged the assailants under the federal hate crimes law on the books at the time.
WHITEHOUSE: Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Blog
Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima has also met Japanese Defence Minister Satoshi Morimoto to protest against the incident, saying the alleged crime was "extremely heinous and despicable", Kyodo news agency reports.