Yet the desire among Americans to avenge the most heinous crimes remains strong.
These heinous crimes have no place in America, and they are especially grievous when committed against our elected officials.
"The heinous crimes committed by Seung-Hui Cho were an unprecedented act of violence that no one could have foreseen, " Mr. Owczarski said.
The Supreme Court has already created 56 special courts for heinous crimes.
Criminals, intending to break the laws banning such heinous crimes as rape, murder, and armed robbery, will not be deterred by laws banning gun ownership.
FORBES: To Protect The Innocent, We Need More Guns In The Hands Of Honest People
It is time for the international community to bring to account the perpetrators of heinous crimes like systematic rape, and to back UN resolutions with decisive action.
To be clear: there's a profound chasm between the heinous crimes of Sandusky and the kind of low-level stupidity (crooked agents, cash payouts, academic misdeeds) that usually undo athletic programs.
Just like McVeigh, he is entitled to all the rights and privileges afforded citizens under the U.S. Constitution and does not forfeit them because he appears to have committed heinous crimes.
She has no qualms about locking up violent and dangerous criminals, and readily acknowledges that, dangerous or not, those who have committed heinous crimes may have to be imprisoned in the interests of justice.
He was found guilty on 11 counts of war crimes, relating to atrocities that included rape and murder and described by one of the judges as "some of the most heinous crimes in human history".
It found Taylor guilty on 11 counts of war crimes, relating to atrocities that included rape and murder, and described by one of the judges as "some of the most heinous crimes in human history".
Faced with crowded lists, they have little incentive to bend over backwards to ensure that the hundreds of impoverished defendants who pass through their courts, many accused of heinous crimes, are represented by well-paid or zealous lawyers.
"Matt is extremely disappointed that Dottie and the Sanduskys have decided to smear his character in an attempt to deflect attention from Jerry Sandusky's heinous crimes, " his lawyers Justine Andronici and Andrew Shubin said in a written statement to CNN.
Then the first panel of five Law Lords, hearing an appeal of Lord Bingham's decision, found by 3-2 that former heads of state did not enjoy immunity for heinous international crimes.
"The essence of what we're doing today is to try to fix a juvenile justice system so the very bad are removed from society because they commit the most heinous of crimes that we have here, " McCollum said.
The grand jury said that the crimes were "especially heinous, cruel and depraved".