Spouse heirs, of course, can still claim the account as their own and name new heirs.
Better to pay them now than have warring heirs pay two sets of lawyers later.
These mistakes can end up costing your heirs a lot more than you saved in legal fees.
Boswell's heirs destroyed a passage in his diary where he describes a fling he had with Rosseau's mistress.
Both services are, in essence, the spiritual heirs of a browser plug-in called Readability.
Are the Cook Islands or the British Virgin Islands the legitimate heirs to that legacy?
Like life insurance, the money would go to their heirs or a designated charity.
For instance, a death certificate allows the person's property to be distributed to heirs.
That, in turn, means the heirs don't have to "spend" their own exemptions on those assets.
As long as the principal stays in the trust, heirs avoid onerous estate taxes, usually 55%.
Many families try to resolve these disputes without lawyers, as the Shuster heirs did.
FORBES: Heirs of Superman Creators Wage Epic Battle With Warner Bros.
Meanwhile Ellison has nudged a long list of would-be heirs out the door over the years.
They express the sore chagrin of a movement looking for heirs and finding none.
Deborah L. Jacobs, IRS Extends Key Deadline For 2010 Heirs (giving practical, action-steps).
FORBES: Kinder, Gentler IRS Provides Deadline Relief For 2010 Heirs
The ABA Checklist for Family Heirs: A Guide to Family History, Financial Plans and Final Wishes.
FORBES: Wealth Strategies Digest: Recent Important Headlines in Estate Planning
Since Dalmia has no heirs, the field of candidates to succeed him is wide open.
The Shuster heirs will soon appeal that ruling, which means the battle is far from over.
FORBES: Heirs of Superman Creators Wage Epic Battle With Warner Bros.
Under the Obama proposal, non-spousal heirs would have to drain the accounts within five years.
FORBES: Could Obama's Plan To Curb The Boss' Tax Breaks Hurt Workers' Retirements?
If kept primarily in cash, your estate will be worth less to your heirs.
For instance, wealthier people may still want to purchase insurance to preserve assets for their heirs.
She got the estate and a welter of lawsuits from heirs and business associates followed.
The items are among a dozen artifacts Crick's heirs are selling to benefit scientific research.
This red-brown coalition (left-leaners and heirs to fascists) nevertheless intends to keep ideology to a minimum.
All told, heirs of the superrich paid taxes equal to 15.4% of the estate's total value.
So he's preparing a list for his heirs, including his accounts, safe combinations, even computer passwords.
Dunn, speculation immediately focused on the Stryker family, heirs to the fortune behind Stryker Corp.
FORBES: Did The Strykers Strike Again With Anonymous Donation?
Of course, there are all kinds of trusts to protect assets you pass along to heirs.
These accounts can be a great way to build wealth for your retirement and heirs.
But in California your heirs can sue for up to 70 years after you die.
Non-spousal IRA heirs of any age must take RMDs from both traditional and Roth accounts.