While she was living in Florida, Heist worked some small jobs under the table.
It stars James McAvoy as an art auctioneer who becomes involved in a heist.
But the revelations made by Forrester raise new questions over the truth of Heist's account.
Brenda Heist vanished in February 2002 after last being seen dropping off her children at school.
"I hope to eventually forgive her one day for myself, not for her, " Morgan Heist said.
Lee Heist later remarried and said he will learn to forgive his former wife.
"I remember my children calling me and saying that mom wasn't home, " Lee Heist told CNN.
Standard needs dough to pay off prison debts, which means taking part in a heist.
As a heist movie, however, this is a dud, the plot splintering badly in the middle.
Sony is certainly not the only major corporation to be the target of a massive heist.
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Ranta's second-degree murder conviction stemmed from the 1990 killing of a rabbi during a diamond heist.
My favorite part of great heist movies is the part where they put the team together.
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The heist, later featured in the film GoodFellas, was among the largest in American history.
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Monday's heist involved a transfer of diamonds from the Antwerp diamond district to the Brussels airport.
But compared with the total annual trade in illicit goods, the heist was small change.
Sorge said investigators have "no leads, not a single clue" in the investigation of the heist.
Brenda Heist may be back from the dead, but her actions will continue to haunt her family.
She also had the title role in "Killing Zoe" (1993), a heist movie with a cult following.
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Despite years of dedicated investigation, it seemed like an answer to Heist's whereabouts would never be found.
John Schofield confirmed that it was indeed the Brenda Heist he had been searching for since 2002.
Hollywood took the opportunity to promo a robot companion heist film coming out later this summer.
Heist's daughter, Morgan Heist, now a 19-year-old college student, said she is not eager to restart their relationship.
Authorities in Monroe County immediately contacted the Lititz Borough Police, informing them that Heist was in their custody.
Schofield spoke to Heist at length, and she explained where she had been for the past 11 years.
The brazen heist is Europe's highest-value and most dramatic tarmac holdup in a decade, said aviation security specialists.
Brenda Heist sat, in her despair and isolation, crying on a park bench.
Brenda Heist's children, for their part, want nothing to do with their mother.
Heist disappeared in February 2002, last seen dropping off her children at school.
Gentile's lawyer, A. Ryan McGuigan, said at the time that Gentile testified before a grand jury investigating the heist.
So they spend their time planning for the perfect combination of skills and attitudes they need for their heist.
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