The Directory can be helpful to investors by providing them with industry-wide and firm specific data.
Accordingly, I thought it would be helpful to provide a simple checklist tailored to first-time entrepreneurs.
"Maybe it's also helpful to the profession to wear wigs, " says barrister Mr. Lai.
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Upon meeting Meg Whitman, Fishback says he immediately knew she would be helpful to the company.
In addition to your specific area, it is helpful to know about the broader economy.
"DeLay thinks it would not be helpful to have Watts retire, " said an aide.
It may well be helpful to enforce tighter discipline, but its impact lies in the future.
Our data can be helpful to starting an evaluation of nonprofits not on the list.
He says he also finds it helpful to talk about events with his co-workers.
BBC: Stress, emotion and drama: Behind the scenes at the NHS
"This change will be helpful to the Spanish government, " says Irit Kohn, a veteran Israeli lawyer.
Dr. NIMAR: It would be helpful to try to reach out to the mainstream Muslim community.
It would be helpful to recognize that criticizing U.S. government is not a signature of radicalization.
"I think I brought a different perspective that was helpful to the process, " he says.
It can also be helpful to change the space in which we do our reflecting.
"It's helpful to get any of that contentiousness and competitiveness behind you, " he says.
"It's helpful to be able to speak a little Spanish if you're non-Hispanic, " Potter said.
All of those different perspectives and shattered ways of thinking were incredibly helpful to me.
Recently she's found it helpful to take time to appreciate small positive events every day.
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It can be helpful to ask a fellow partygoer what's going on inside her company.
Well you know I want to be more helpful to the people in any kind.
And mobile access to online information and services could be particularly helpful to seniors.
Cookbooks are becoming more common in China, although they are hardly more helpful to the inexperienced.
Indeed the unions, often snubbed by Mr Blair, were helpful to him through the week.
The steps he took are inspirational and could be helpful to other aspiring entrepreneurial executives as well.
FORBES: From Mail Room to Boardroom: A Star Executive's Strategy to Rise to the Top
If your passion is collecting Barbie memorabilia, is this really helpful to identifying a reasonably paying job?
She makes an interesting biological case for why sharing the news might be helpful to laboring moms.
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It can also be helpful to those who want to take some profits on existing long positions.
These are helpful to stay motivated and gives you some pressure to keep on-track with your goals.
The audible sound of the lane departure system squeak was overbearing, but helpful to avoid frightened drivers.
It's also helpful to colleagues and bosses if you can tell them what you need, adds Hirsch.