As a practical matter, the result will likely be a hemorrhage of talent from the military.
The deal comes at a time when the Australian carrier's international business continues to hemorrhage money.
What allows you to capture the value you create and not hemorrhage it to employees or suppliers?
The result is a poisonous mix that means Zynga has to hemorrhage money just to tread water.
The small growth in the smokeless division is not nearly enough to offset the hemorrhage in mainstay cigarettes.
Unless your employees actually participate, your company will continue to hemorrhage red ink from health claims and premium costs.
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) died Wednesday at a Cleveland hospital from a brain hemorrhage caused by an aneurysm.
It reports a case of arterial hemorrhage caused by an acupuncture needle.
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They also seemed on the verge of yet another reconciliation right before he died in 1984 from a brain hemorrhage.
Let us stop the hemorrhage, let us bind the wounds, let us open a new chapter of durable peace and harmony.
One of the biggest factors in surviving serious battlefield wounds is aggressive "control of hemorrhage" before being transported to the hospital.
Arafat died at age 75 at a Paris military hospital after he suffered a brain hemorrhage and slipped into a coma.
According to reports, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage 10 days ago and was taken to a hospital where he underwent an operation.
Fuentes had a massive hemorrhage overnight, said Dr. Arturo Ballesteros, his doctor.
Between 2006 and 2010, participating hospitals reduced annual instances of post-delivery hemorrhage by 5.4%, to 28.4 per 1, 000 births, Ms. DeVore says.
Anita Roddick, the British cosmetics entrepreneur and dogged environmental and human rights activist, has died at 64 after suffering a major brain hemorrhage.
Anthony DeFilippo was a forty-eight-year-old limousine driver from Everett, Massachusetts, who started to hemorrhage at a community hospital during surgery for a hernia and gallstones.
The 6-foot-7 right-hander sustained an epidural hemorrhage, brain contusion and skull fracture in the freak accident, then left Oakland for a free-agent deal with Arizona.
And when Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman died in Paris last week of a massive cerebral hemorrhage, her passing was as dramatic as her glamorous life.
Those who advocate repeal of the law tell us that these numbers represent a hemorrhage of critical skills needed to fight and win the nation's wars.
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House consideration of this legislation affords Members of Congress an opportunity to add amendments that would prevent the further hemorrhage of leading-edge technologies to unreliable end-users.
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Because these personnel would be completing one or more terms of service, they would, in fact, represent a hemorrhage of mature, skilled losses from the professional ranks.
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He suffered an intracranial hemorrhage and went from lucid to slipping in and out of consciousness by Thursday, according to a statement from the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center.
Oakland right-hander Brandon McCarthy was hit in the head by a line drive last September, causing a skull fracture, an epidural hemorrhage and a brain contusion that required surgery.
Given the abysmal performance of some allies (notably Germany) in preventing the illegal transfers of sensitive technologies, such an arrangement invites a serious hemorrhage of strategic goods and know-how.
It was flown from a French military air base after Arafat, 75, died Thursday in a Paris hospital after falling into a deep coma that followed a brain hemorrhage.
"Traumatic intracranial hemorrhage is what the name suggests: a blow to the head, a concussion, " said Dr. Robert Stevens, associate professor in neurology and neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
None of the European brands became usefully profitable, and the majority continued to hemorrhage cubic dollars right through the time when every nameplate but Volvo and Saab was sold with terrific losses.
This is especially true with respect to the hemorrhage of technologies well suited to military applications and that will certainly be supplied to the East in the absence of such a mechanism.