"To date we have done nothing to stop the hemorrhaging of data at NARA, " he says.
But that could be a flimsy bandage for a company that has been rapidly hemorrhaging.
Patients had fevers and were vomiting, but did not show other typical symptoms, such as hemorrhaging.
By that time, SpaceX was hemorrhaging money and its distraught founder felt increasingly hemmed in.
He made his name as a turnaround artist by chopping up a hemorrhaging Westinghouse in the mid-1990s.
The reason: Hemorrhaging 401ks and massive layoffs make guys crave the security of the old and familiar.
We were losing, we were hemorrhaging jobs at something like three- quarters of a million jobs per month.
Children with iron poisoning may immediately suffer nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and intestinal hemorrhaging, leading to coma and death.
The new plan might stop the hemorrhaging and help transform MySpace into a niche site for consuming content.
FORBES: Why Facebook Beat MySpace, and Why MySpace's Revised Strategy will Probably Fail
Management says it is hemorrhaging money on the program, and may have to take a charge against earnings.
FORBES: Oshkosh Proof That Pentagon Can Make, Or Break, A Company
OPEC's agreement to increase oil quotas topped out Schlumberger and Halliburton and created massive hemorrhaging in the drillers.
You see, if they fire him, he will be able to divest his entire stake in the hemorrhaging bank.
We were hemorrhaging jobs at a rate of 600, 000 to 700, 000 a month.
T-Mobile is hemorrhaging subscribers at a shocking rate in the most recent quarter.
FORBES: T-Mobile-Sprint Merger Would Need Clearwire Spectrum
Penney keeps hemorrhaging red ink, the ability to expand that transition across its footprint is likely to come under pressure.
FORBES: The Clock Is Ticking On Ron Johnson's J.C. Penney Debacle
Banco Santander, for example, essentially came to Sovereign's rescue because the latter was hemorrhaging money over its exposure to mortgage delinquencies.
Ford's automotive operations in North America are hemorrhaging, amid a vicious price war, high plant and labor costs and plummeting market share.
FORBES: Bill Ford finds that fixing Ford is harder than he thought.
The internal hemorrhaging will continue, threatening the Eurozone for years to come.
Despite the fact that A123 has been hemorrhaging cash, Wanxiang Group Corp.
We were hemorrhaging jobs at the rate of nearly 800, 000 a month.
Now the company is hemorrhaging top talent and the CEO is puzzled.
Larger, more expensive cities like New York and Los Angeles have been hemorrhaging people since 2000, losing 1.4 million and 937, 000 citizens, respectively.
Though both patients had symptoms that included fever, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, neither had shown signs of hemorrhaging, the ministry said Sunday.
With the money-hemorrhaging print edition disappearing at the end of the month, the company is conducting a deep round of staff cuts.
FORBES: Washington Post, Daily Beast Jumping On The Paywall Bandwagon. Too Late?
The national market as a whole may still be hemorrhaging value but some cities are already sprouting the beginnings of a property value rebound.
FORBES: Cities Where Home Values Will Rise And Fall The Most In 2011
Tubbs Jones, who represented the district that covers parts of Cleveland and its suburbs, died in August after brain hemorrhaging caused by an aneurysm.
One of the biggest causes of maternal death is postpartum hemorrhaging (PPH), which occurs when a woman bleeds heavily, often right after giving birth.
FORBES: For The Price of Designer Jeans, A "Wetsuit" That Saves Lives
Before I became CEO in 1998, my current company was hemorrhaging money, had non-competitive technology and had virtually no chance to survive, let alone succeed.
Despite income from its ample reserves, it has been hemorrhaging money.
Former owner Robert Johnson wanted out after years of hemorrhaging money.
FORBES: One Ownership Lesson For Magic Johnson From Jordan, Lemieux And Ryan