She was willing to give a kidney to her best friend's husband, Stuart Bloch.
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And he said that after everyone read her biography, they were her best friend.
Those sparkling gems may really be her best friend, or her husband, or even her dog.
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She was so good to her friends they all thought they were her best friend.
Ora cries out in her sleep, haunted by the accidental death of her best friend.
In apparent revenge, Ethan casts her best friend (Amy Seimetz) as his girlfriend in his new movie.
Nancy allowed Lucy and her best friend, visiting from Los Angeles, to go to Bloomingdale's after school.
It revolves around a young girl, Lyra, who travels to the far north to save her best friend.
Leah and McGuffin left, and he dropped her off at the home of her best friend, Sherrie Mitchell.
Her mother, who had lost her best friend to lung cancer, began crying.
Janelle would go home for a breathing treatment every day after school and get her best friend to hold her to it.
Lydia and her best friend were along with the parents that year.
Kriticos, who lives in New Jersey and is an aspiring accessories designer, met her best friend in New York City for the extravaganza.
For one, she found out that her husband, producer Mutt Lange, was having an affair with none other than her best friend, Marie-Anne Thiebaud.
Nana could not say which of these people, her husband or her best friend, was the most responsible for the pain she felt now, that kicked-in-the-ribs sensation.
In one of the conference sessions, Ms. Patton and her best friend since freshman year of college met with undergraduate women ostensibly to talk about their careers.
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Here she was trying to be a little grown-up with her best friend from L.A. She had to go to security and wait there until I got there.
In the meantime, Copeland says her marriage to her best friend and "the man of my dreams" is the only family she needs to create in her lifetime.
Occasionally her best friend, Brianna, would visit, or her sister.
Her best friend is coming into town for the weekend.
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Authors Peyton Baxter-White, and her best friend Nicola Goodstein-Goodstein, both Brearley grads, will blow the lid off Park Avenue bridge clubs in the forthcoming blockbuster bestseller The Tiffany Diaries.
The film, which stars Kristen Wiig as a woman having trouble dealing with the fact that her best friend is about to get married, is almost exclusively populated by women.
With Sally Field as the American Sweetheart who turns into the Queen of Misery, Whoopi Goldberg as her best friend and head writer, Cathy Moriarty as her rival, Robert Downey, Jr.
Her best friend growing up found the note and the two have been reminiscing ever since about listening ad nauseum to an Abba Album as teenagers, as well as other fond memories.
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She was driving her best friend Hannah Roper on the B1107 Brandon Road, near Thetford Golf Club, when her Ford Ka was in collision with a VW Golf that had been avoiding a deer.
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Her best friend had died in January 2001, and Ms. Stang, then 32, felt surrounded by grief at her job as a social worker at an inner-city trauma center near her home in Merriam, Kan.
While Hilary worries about her stroppy daughter Tilly, played by Bel Powley, her marriage to her shop-owner husband Mark (Ewan Stewart) has gone stale, and her best friend Frances (Doon Mackichan) has taken up burlesque dancing to maintain her sexual allure.