She said her mother had been knocked out of bed by the force of the blows.
That left her mother and ten children to scratch a life from the land.
Esfandiari's husband said her mother used the deed to her Tehran apartment to post bail.
Rachel remembers going to Target with her mother and wanting to try on clothes in the kids' section.
Eileen Skidmore, from Birmingham, has been caring for her mother for more than 20 years.
Her mother, Sun Fuyou, rifles through faded photos of a beaming young girl in ski gear.
Luckily, "her vocal cords are not involved with the tumor, " according to her mother.
It's that unstoppable attitude that has been the most inspirational to witness, her mother said.
Lane was raised by her grandmother after her mother left her at the hospital.
She said her mother had been with her step-father for at least 16 years.
Her mother-in-law would cry and storm off, and Ms. Brown would end up apologizing.
WSJ: Getting Along With the Original Other Woman��Your Mother-in-Law
She co-starred with her mother and won the London Drama Critics' most promising newcomer award.
That left her mother and ten kids to scratch a life from the land.
She feels her mother would be shocked if she knew what von Anhalt had done.
Kaci has since been showing her mother all her papers, including answers she got wrong.
It's a pain Jolie knows all too well from losing her mother to the disease.
Some even accuse Liesel of vicariously reliving her mother Irene's acrimonious divorce from her father, Robert.
Emmeline knew this, as Lambert would never know it, for her mother was a country woman.
Still, the news had been shocking, wiping out her mother's presence just as the surgeon had.
When her condition deteriorated her mother brought her to Altnagelvin Hospital's accident and emergency department.
Her mother Dorcus Semenya has told the BBC that the athlete is certainly female.
Her mother, sociology professor Dolores Pereira Coutinho, 50, campaigned for months before taking legal action.
When her parents split up, she moved from the farm to live with her mother.
Danielle Parker says her mother suffered from bipolar disorder and had stopped taking her medicine.
Lynne, then 29 years old, had been preparing her death for weeks, her mother believes.
Her campaign publicist, her mother, points out that Samantha's loyalties to the school predate her birth.
"Whatever makes you happy, " Ms. Grace said with a smile, of her mother's attitude.
The pair lived together for just four months, when her mother died from tuberculosis.
Her mother seemed aware that as a practical matter, Gallagher would be perceived as African-American.
WSJ: Ellen Gallagher, the Global Art Star | WSJ. Magazine May 2013
Still, her mother worked tirelessly to keep her daughter adequately fed, clothed and in school.
CNN: Small U.S. businesses thrive with Ethiopian woman's help