Mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have been linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
Lord Hurd said the commission had not decided to back the abolition of hereditary peers.
Dyax received a CRL for its drug to treat hereditary angioedema on March 25, 2009.
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Her long-suffering husband Denis was given a baronetcy, which is a sort of hereditary knighthood.
They objected that Sark's hereditary seigneur and seneschal will still have an unelected role in government.
Indigenous peoples bear witness to these worrisome transformations of hereditary territories and their life-giving resources.
He had replaced a tottering theocracy with a hereditary monarchy, though Buddhism remained the national faith.
Removal of the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the House of Lords.
BBC: News | Talking Politics | Constitutional Reform since 1997
Consider hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), which could be carried by as many as 1 in 200 Americans.
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The upper house still, somewhat incredibly, contains 92 hereditary peers, alongside the mass of appointed ones.
All this sets the scene for the main battle over expelling hereditary peers next year.
The principal titles of barely 30 of the 750-odd hereditary peers were created before 1500.
Fully 92 hereditary peers still sit in the Lords, together with 26 Anglican bishops.
The House of Commons is booting the hereditary peers out of the House of Lords.
About one fifth of infant deaths in Luton are caused by hereditary genetic conditions, council figures show.
Few parliamentarians combine experience of the Commons with a feel for the thinking of the hereditary peers.
After constitutional reforms in 1999, all but 92 hereditary peers were expelled from the House of Lords.
For months now, the Hague camp has been whispering that he is cool about the hereditary principle.
That would encourage the wealthy to distribute their wealth widely, thereby making a hereditary elite less likely.
But much of his speech was devoted to extolling the virtues of hereditary peers, such as himself.
It is notable, too, that representation from the hereditary peerage on that plutocrats' list is falling too.
Nevertheless, the votes of hereditary peers have been needed to secure all but one of the government's defeats.
In any case, compared with hereditary castes elsewhere in the world, most British titles are not very old.
It is an important hereditary custom drawn from the rice culture that pervaded daily life in the countryside.
By studying the variation in the two groups, they hope to isolate some of the hereditary factors behind IQ.
The subjects will include 300 pairs of twins, whose brains may help highlight the hereditary influence on neural connections.
Some are hereditary -- that means you're born with it and there's not much you can do about it.
Scientists believe that between 5% and 15% of cancers are hereditary and are therefore detectable by gene-based diagnostic tests.
So Americans uneasily both accept and reject the hereditary principle, a contradiction that's uncomfortable for them but very productive.
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Viscount Ridley, a scientist and journalist, was elected by other Conservative hereditary peers following the death of Earl Ferrers.