So out the door went Verna, starry-eyed with hero worship, wobbling on her first high heels.
In his evidence, the boy used the phrase "hero worship" to describe his relationship with you.
Her admiration for Mr Clinton seems to have verged on hero worship.
Time for some deep Lamaze breathing, a little reflection on the virtues and insanity of hero worship and a lot less over-reaction.
Hero worship was baked into the cake, especially when covering local teams.
Cramer was fascinated as much by the machinery that produced power and hero worship as he was by the people at their center.
Hero worship has become unfashionable except for pop stars, but Charles gets a mention in scientific journals for his work on the artificial heart.
Uzbekistan's neighbours also get jittery with the hero worship of Timur.
After Garibaldi's death in 1882, an official national cult did its best to sanitise the hero worship, airbrushing away the old hero's biting criticism of poor or corrupt government.
Part of the reason is that the guys who run sequencing companies idolize the early days of the PC, with a particular strain of hero worship resolved for Steve Jobs.
There has been far too much hagiography written about Jordan, both in the past and now, far too much hero worship for a man who was, at his core, not an especially empathic person.
Hollywood's new take on politics and history invigorates because it does not hero-worship or whitewash.
If popular culture is fixated on hero-worship that promotes a protagonist-antagonist framework, then unilateral sentiments can be expected.
What we see from these examples of contemporary Chinese heroes is a new kind of Chinese hero-worship in the context of regional and international competition.
This could stem from a childhood hero-worship, deep admiration or could be the feeling of comradery that comes with a lifetime of work and struggle.
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