Groupon is merely trying to hide from investors just how skimpy its Goods margins are.
She added that she then ran to a nearby hotel to hide from the attacker.
"Today we were significantly second best and we can't hide from that, " admitted Ryan.
We cannot hide from the 21st Century and the real world in which we live.
Those who hide from this proposal are fundamentally signaling a lack of faith in their own ideas.
FORBES: Obama: States Should Be Able to Opt Out of Obamacare -- By Imposing a Single-Payer System
They do not cure, because there are places in the body that the virus can hide from them.
In her first encounters with Porgy, Bess clearly recognizes, and tries to hide from, the need in his eyes.
Their burrows can be up to 90m long and are essential for helping the animals regulate their temperature and hide from predators.
BBC: Protecting a wombat species that is as fast as Usain Bolt
Obviously there's a lot of frustration and disappointment about the fact that we're out and you can't hide from that.
We are in an economy that requires people to solve problems, not hide from them or create more of them.
But then they hide from you that any balances they transfer are going to incur much higher rates if you mess up.
Since it will be difficult to prove that fraud drove down a stock's price, they might be able to hide from scrutiny.
For most, they would rather hide from change, rather than embrace it.
All incumbent Democrats running for Congress are happy to be in the majority, but now they are trying to hide from the voters.
While some protesters hide from the IRS, others, particularly salaried workers who have had taxes withheld, bombard the IRSand courts with refund claims and suits.
Why did the ultimate lover hide from making the ultimate commitment?
"It cost us a lot of money not going up and we're not going to hide from that, " chief executive Steve Gorvett told BBC Points West.
We saw him covering his face - this was not just to hide from the media but because it was painful for him to be exposed.
While Herman Cain might be looking for any shelter to hide from the media maelstrom surrounding alleged sexual harassment claims, the public has been anything but silent.
FORBES: Why We're Suspicious Of Women's Sexual Harassment Claims
More powerful would be a memo stating what Enron was trying to hide from shareholders and why, but there's no sign of that in the Batson report.
Our religion should not be a shield behind which we hide from the world but a driving force that inspires us to innovate and contribute to our surroundings.
Many policies use an account value that is determined without regard to the true first year selling expenses, probably to hide from buyers how large the commissions are.
The "dairy scene, " a deep scene that required the full stage, was on, and there was no room to hide from the audience by creeping along behind the scenery.
The chub were well adapted to the poor visibility created by the thick, red water which gave the river its name, and depended on it to hide from predators.
The first three months of the year are typically a slow period for major airlines, since travelers tend to stay home and hide from the cold instead of taking vacations.
FORBES: The Results Are In, And Airline Revenues Are Growing
That calculation is what the government alleged Mix was trying to hide from the U.S. government when he deleted those two text message strings leading to charges of obstruction of justice.
FORBES: Indictment of Fmr BP Exec Could Exonerate Another Fmr BP Engineer - Kurt Mix
Knowing how 30, 000 genes working in 75 million brain cells create a rodent that can scavenge, hunt and hide from cats could be a big step to understanding our own brains.
There's no place to hide from presidential candidates anymore.
"To duck and hide from questions in the Senedd is one thing, but I believe you are in danger of stooping to new depths by refusing to answer official Written Assembly Questions".