Hidebound Red Sox fans have finally come to embrace Wally since his 1997 unveiling.
His lessons are applicable to any hidebound grad student or business executive: Rewrite the rules.
Startups are not saddled with legacy systems nor do they have hidebound procedures to worry about.
In hidebound Japan the decline continues, to 19 billionaires from 41 as recently as 1996.
Why, with such hidebound practices the digital broadband highway might take forever to build!
In this climate, hidebound groups like the American Medical Association had to fight to keep membership up.
Still, that Timah mines the future means it has come a long way from its hidebound past.
There is no hint of any debate on the liberalising measures that Italy's hidebound economy badly needs.
Such dithering and doublespeak is reminiscent of the hidebound socialist past that India began to discard in 1991.
They made scant headway in the hidebound East (women players at Augusta, anyone?) but had some luck in Arizona.
Racenstein, a company that has supplied window cleaners since 1909, notes that workers in the industry are notoriously hidebound.
Hidebound sellers, nostalgic for when they had control, will become irrelevant and perish.
But the Britain of those days was a more hidebound place, and Mr Benn was right to be a moderniser.
By doing so Collins and his associates have contributed mightily to stimulating changes in Japan's hidebound banking industry, which desperately needed them.
The retirement of former PM and LDP kingmaker Takeshita Noboru, 76, is widely regarded as heralding a generational change in the hidebound party.
For 25 years Visa operated as a humdrum service bureau for banks, with a bureaucracy as hidebound and inflexible as its computer system.
So, the technology advances I foresee are hostage to two of the most sluggish, hidebound industries in America: the phone and cable companies.
Today it may seem strange she would entrust them to the man now conventionally regarded as a hidebound reformer with a tin ear.
But baking businesses tend to be run by hidebound managers who concentrate on operations and distribution rather than on marketing and new products.
FORBES: Mediation Could Never Have Saved Hostess: Its Problems Ran Much Deeper
An inflation pinch, attributable to rapid growth hitting up against the constraints of a still hidebound economy, led the central bank to tighten monetary policy.
Mr Tolle's impact on this hidebound institution is hard to exaggerate.
The private sector will make inroads into education, which has become too important a business to leave to hidebound professional educators, bewildered by and uncomfortable with change.
Young CEOs, most of them armed with management degrees from abroad, are looking at liberalization as a big opportunity to recast hidebound family firms into go-getting, competitive enterprises.
He persuaded James Hardie Irrigation of Australia to license its technology, but it took him more than a year to persuade India's hidebound bureaucracy to let him acquire the know-how.
That works for a while but when new competition and new technologies arise hidebound organizations get blindsided by change because they have spent their time looking inside rather outside the organization.
Billick is widely credited with moving his former profession out of the hidebound world of overhead projectors and hand-drawn diagrams, which he banned in favor of PowerPoint presentations and plays designed on computers.
But if the GP practice is hidebound by oversight, and the competition body Monitor, which was originally designed to drive inefficient hospitals bust can no longer do so, it is hard to see the central argument of the reforms operating.
This recession-age fable, which revolves around love, work, family pressures, and hidebound traditions, is set in contemporary Lisbon but breathes the air of a dreamy, timeless romanticism one that befits the long view of life taken by its hundred-year-old director, Manoel de Oliveira.
In the pages of this publication and elsewhere, many have posited that recalcitrant IT departments, hidebound by a history of rigid organization, have been a bottleneck to the adoption of new technologies and, by extension, the ability to distill business value from data.
From the moment the animals arrive majestically onstage, called from the wings and down the aisles to Pride Rock for the birth of Simba by a mesmerizing Zulu chant and response led by Rafiki, the baboon-shaman, the story is liberated from its soppy, hidebound cartoon naturalism.