Tom Broadbent has adapted the early river waterwheel electrical generation system for use in high-rise buildings.
The analysis of more than 30 investments includes a high-rise condominium in West Palm Beach, Fla.
In fact, the bomb landed about a mile away, destroying an empty high-rise apartment block.
Mr. Tourre resides in a high-rise building overlooking Lake Michigan and Chicago's stately Field Museum.
The store will span seven floors in a mixed-use, retail, hotel and high-rise residential tower.
There are some high-rise buildings that are running their elevators and their stairwell lights on generators.
The total number of high-rise window washers in and around the city isn't clear.
We're sitting in a side room off the lobby of his high-rise overlooking the Hudson River.
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The city also tore down high-rise public housing towers and replaced them with garden-style apartments.
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The rest of the prison was torn down to make way for the high-rise.
Glass broke in high-rise buildings, causing the injuries, the federal Emergency Ministry said in a statement.
But it would mean, if not a city of high-rise living, then buildings of several storeys.
Into a high-rise apartment steps a domestic help who has been engaged to spring clean.
Some 1, 500 luxury high-rise apartments are being thrown up in or around the centre of town.
The Arab Gulf states are home to some of the most spectacular high-rise towers in the world.
In the next five years 80 high-rise condominium towers with 37, 000 apartments are slated to go up.
Construction crews are swarming over new high-rise buildings in Seattle and big suburban areas such as Bellevue.
Some high-rise buildings in China do not have a fourth or 14th floor for that very reason.
The Windows Phone 8S by HTC will be available in Domino, Fiesta Red, Atlantic Blue and High-Rise Gray.
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The building uses traditional Chinese window-lattices up its high-rise facade, and is topped with a tiled pagoda-like roof.
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My lady's from Ohio and the schools are being torn down and they turned them into high-rise condos.
Despite opposition, it's pressing ahead with plans to demolish existing shacks and replace them with modern, high-rise blocks.
The city thus spends vast amounts of energy to air-condition its high-rise hotels, skyscrapers, stadiums and other buildings.
High-rise buildings in major cities are designed so that they sway rather than shake during earthquakes, making them safer.
Having been placed disproportionately in high-rise blocks, surrounded by criminality and malfunctioning schools, they lack the means of advancement.
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How many people were living in these four units - four apartment units before Katrina, these four high-rise complexes?
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The town government eschewed high-rise development, but allowed a few boutique properties such as Playa Vik to open.
Studies have also found that the high-rise buildings in cities create a barrier that can redirect regional weather patterns.
Fred Oyat, 44, who lives in a high-rise nearby, said he heard four gunshots and went straight to the window.
In addition to plush homes--both high-rise apartments and villas--the resort community will offer shops, a winery and a luxury hotel.