Expensive electricity, an inadequately funded public sector pension system, and high interest rates round out this negative picture.
Perhaps deliberately, perhaps as a side effect of the high interest rates required to extinguish inflation.
FORBES: Margaret Thatcher Did Not Devastate Or Destroy British Industry.
Credit cards of course pay banks not only a swipe fee, but very high interest rates.
StepChange debt charity says around 30, 000 have used the short term, high interest loans this year.
For those fed up with unnecessarily high interest rates, credit unions provide a viable option.
And the Lincoln-like phenomenon for politicos has translated to high interest among the American public.
Inevitably, bad inflation and high interest rates sap the spirits of businesses and consumers.
High inflation of 7 percent led to high interest rates and a lousy equity market.
Unless addressed, high interest credit card and consumer debt can derail attempts to reach retirement goals.
They offer pots for saving, spending and giving away, along with artificially high interest rates.
After years of high interest rates, a modest public-debt swap in 2010 cut short-term borrowing costs.
Do you need the money now to pay bills or pay down high interest debt?
FORBES: What Should You Do With That Old Retirement Account?
It said high interest rates were typical of the time and are much lower now.
High interest rates not only add to the government's interest bill and budget deficit.
As companies battle with high interest charges and paralysed investment projects, businessmen are showing signs of strain.
Ohio begins a deal today that could help some homeowners get out of high interest rate mortgages.
For example, high interest rates and hence a stronger exchange rate squeeze manufacturers more than other producers.
Then there would be less pressure on a crisis-hit currency and less reason for sky-high interest rates.
Explaining high interest rates and credit reports will seem ethereal to most kids until they get bitten.
Another reason for the high interest rates: Mr. Lyle pays a lot for the money he lends.
Tax shelters helped real estate overcome very high interest rates, which could have sunk real estate otherwise.
There is no Paul Volcker in charge of stopping deflation as he slaughtered double-digit inflation with murderously high interest rates.
But as those rigid exchange rates require high interest rates, they impose a heavy penalty on growth.
K. Pao can afford it and to carry such high interest debts to finance this new extravaganza?
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Otherwise, refinancing government debt at high interest rates adds to the budget deficit and outstanding national debt.
Plus, by saving for certain goals together, you can earn a larger return on a high interest rate.
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Be sure you know the terms of the promotional period to avoid getting socked with high interest charges.
Hyperinflation and high interest rates embroiled Brazil a year later, and CBD teetered on the edge of bankruptcy.
Since most Indians buy vehicles with borrowed money, high interest rates have been a major factor hurting sales.
The industry body said a downturn in the economy and high interest rates were key factors behind the decline.