The high temperature suppresses the conversion of nitrates into the more toxic nitrites, which ultimately yield tobacco-specific nitrosamines.
"Supercritical" means the boiler runs at a high temperature (1, 100 degrees Fahrenheit), increasing thermodynamic efficiency.
The house is sitting in the high temperature of the surrounding atmosphere of summer highs.
Skiers there can expect sunny skies and a high temperature of 35 degrees on Tuesday.
Drought: a nationwide heat wave that broke 3, 215 high temperature daily records this past June.
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This means it is heated to a high temperature to kill off any harmful bacteria.
The average high temperature in East Rutherford during the first week of February is 39 degrees.
It has patented a number of the items needed to complete high pressure, high temperature wells.
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Solar updraft towers generate power from air that is heated to high temperature beneath the membrane-covered collectors.
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Symptoms of anthrax infection include a high temperature, chills, a severe headache or breathing difficulties, the HPA said.
Upson also resumed light training in the gym after sitting out the Saturday session with a high temperature.
Unexpected high temperature inside one of the Falcon 9 rocket's engines prompted an automated shutdown less than a second before liftoff.
To make a package out of ceramics you have to fire it, like a clay pot, at an extremely high temperature.
For Rory, initially misdiagnosed with a stomach flu, the symptoms included an abnormally high temperature, mottled skin and a sore leg.
However, it is not possible to anneal the metal oxides, an active material, at this high temperature on flexible polymer substrates.
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And while amorphous silicon can be turned into crystalline silicon by heating it, the high temperature required causes plastic to melt.
Synthetic diamonds, made by compressing diamond shards under high temperature and pressure, are less brittle and wear more evenly than natural diamonds.
Then in the early 20th Century, German chemist Fritz Haber invented a high temperature-high pressure technique to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
Mr Obama is aggressive, reflecting the high temperature of the race lately.
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When heated to a high temperature, the bath gives off a mist of atoms that fall on to the surface of the object.
While the early morning temperature will be in the 20s, the forecast calls for a high temperature in the upper 30s or low 40s.
The severe form of the disease, dengue haemorrhagic fever, involves a high temperature, head and muscle aches, internal bleeding and, at worst, circulatory failure.
"Slow and low" is the way to go with salmon, said Ms. Louis, as cooking the fish at a high temperature can dry it out.
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The powder that works in your washing machine at high temperature functions because it contains proteins extracted from microbes that grow in volcanic hot springs.
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While the early morning temperature this time will be in the 20s, the forecast calls for a high temperature in the upper 30s or low 40s.
That can be characterized by sort of an acute respiratory distress, such as difficulty in breathing, sweating, high temperature, and turning blue, basically, from lack of oxygen.
There are still hurdles to be overcome, including understanding the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity in Bednorz and Mueller's ceramics, which despite years of experiment still eludes us.
In 1931 American chemical engineer Samuel Kistler invented the lightest known solid--an aerogel--by drying a form of silicon dioxide (a raw material for glass) under intense pressure and high temperature.
According to the National Weather Service, the current record high temperature for June in Manhattan's Central Park is 101 degrees, which was reached on June 27, 1966, and June 29, 1934.