It "then moved into the hiker parade, where it started striking hikers, " Nunly said.
Another person, described as a 60-year-old male experienced hiker, is missing after a separate avalanche nearby.
CNN: Woman killed, man missing in Washington state avalanches
Her friend, Nicholas Cendoya, 19, was discovered by another hiker shortly before 8 p.m.
Another hiker followed and the three died after they were swept over the powerful 317-foot falls.
"If you're a politician, obviously you don't want to be labeled as a tax hiker, " he adds.
His family described him as an experienced hiker who had made frequent trips to the Scottish hills.
Liz Thomas, a 27-year-old professional hiker, says she used to have to replace her socks every 10 days.
The hiker's wife, Marilynn Hungate, identified him to KING-TV as Mitch Hungate, 61, a dentist and seasoned athlete.
The accident occurred during the Hiker's Parade at the annual Trail Days festival, which honors the famed hiking trail.
Keith Neumann, a hiker from South Carolina, said he was part of the group that scrambled around the car.
It's just - it's a hiker's heaven here and it's just a jewel in the middle of the city.
He had pulled over to let a hiker pass, he explains, when he lost his balance and toppled over.
The hiker, an emergency room physician, checked for vital signs and found none.
The episode opens on the three of them in a car passing up a hitch-hiker who begs for their help.
Dalton Thomson told CNN affiliate WCYB that he was pushed out of the way of the oncoming car by a hiker.
At the 1.2-mile point, Fridjon stands at the edge of a cave-like crevasse, gripping each hiker in turn as they peer into the pitch-black hole.
Dreamt up by a US Forest Service employee in 1978, the Tahoe Rim trail is a relative new entry on the hiker's to-do list.
His friends believe the keen cyclist and hiker tried to walk more than 15 miles back to the hotel near Cardiff Airport where he was staying.
It makes sense to me that major behavioral factors would influence a solo sailor during a sudden unexpected squall or a hiker caught in a severe electrical storm.
The hiker who came across Cendoya went for help and found a firefighting training crew not involved in the search that just happened to be nearby, Park said.
Sometimes I get the feeling that this linear route was designed with a single purpose: to give the happy hiker a near-continuous view of the rocky African coast.
Recreational hiker Kristian Andersen is one of these early adopters.
His arrest on 4 April is believed to be his first contact with other people in 27 years, save a greeting he exchanged with a hiker in the 1990s.
But semantics did not change the fact we were spending an unplanned night tending a makeshift fire and sharing a spoon over meals we borrowed from another, more prepared, hiker.
He came into office as a tax hiker and the pressure for revenue enhancers that his spending policies have created augments that stance, as does the support from Republican allies in this cause like Coburn.
FORBES: The Republicans Shouldn't Attempt Any Tax Deal With President Obama
Unlike the area's typical hiker lodgings, it has solar electricity, hot water, comfy beds, and a staff--a mountain guide looks after guests' safety, while a lodge host attends to their comfort, serving meals and handling cleanup duties.
The Tahoe Rim Trail Association has online bulletins about trail conditions, kept up-to-date by hiker reports, so a few minutes on the Internet would have informed me that we were in for up to 5ft of snow as the trail ascended above 8, 000ft.
The GPSmile 52 Car Navigator should feel right at home on a dashboard or in a hiker's palm, as the 9.5 x 7.7 x 2.2-centimeter enclosure and 6.3-ounces of heft shouldn't pose too much of a burden on the average weary traveler either way.
When LeMieux was hiking the Appalachian Trail a decade ago, he identified the problem that would become the focus of his work: how to turn the kinetic energy of a hiker into electrical energy that could keep devices charged (and reduce the battery weight he carried for 1, 500 miles).