Gene, who was in his seventies, had the Willingham look, though his black hair had gray streaks and his dark eyes were magnified by glasses.
Yet she kept coming back to him: to his dark eyes, to the way he carried himself, and, time and again, before she could stop herself, to the beauty of his hands.
You may not know of Eros Ramazzotti yet, but you soon will: his dark eyes and stirring lyrics have captivated women from Seville to Stockholm, and he is to be launched upon an unsuspecting Britain in April.
Herbert, with his dark almond eyes in that globular head, had the most intense stare.
This coupled with his dark sensuous eyes and full lips gave him an effete quality.
That was the last time I saw him, the day he came for his money, and he had a dark, set look to his eyes that frightened me a little.
Coming closer, we can see that the dark rings under his eyes have the look of a war zone.
He looked tired and drab, his eyes rimmed with dark circles, a reddish stain disfiguring his crisp white polo shirt.
When he picked him up after the treatments, the expression Obie wore was that of a martyr, his eyes misshapen and dark with pain.
But the Jan. 17 attack on the Bolshoi Ballet's artistic director, Sergei Filin, who had sulphuric acid thrown in his face and eyes outside his home, has cast a dark shadow on that ideal.
His eyes adjusting to the dark, Nawab saw the man sucking at a cut on his palm, the gun held in his other hand.
During dinner late one night, while Mr. Toba relaxed over a Japanese hot pot and local liquor, Taiga stomped around the house in basketball warm-ups and two pairs of eyeglasses one for his eyes and a pair of dark sunglasses perched on his forehead, because he thought they were cool.
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During the mission, his eyes dart nervously as he scans the dark roads for any sign of danger.
At 58, he is a handsome guy: a tanned face with vivid white teeth, well-worn smile lines around his eyes, an artful salt-and-pepper stubble and a mop of dark hair whose heft he attributes to his daily Tibetan yoga rites.
At the time of his disappearance, Rawls was 6 feet, 2 inches and 150 pounds, with dark blond hair and blue eyes.