That honor goes to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, the 118th pope of the Coptic Church of Egypt.
He said his Holiness would be remembered as "a Pope of surprises" and "a latter day father of the church".
Benedict XVI will be known as "pope emeritus" and will retain the honorific "His Holiness" after he abdicates on Thursday, Vatican official say.
One of the leading figures in world Hinduism, His Holiness Swami Radhanath, who is at the festival, said he hoped it would promote religious understanding and tolerance.
He will keep the papal title Benedict XVI, rather than reverting to the name Joseph Ratzinger, and will be referred to as "his holiness, " said the Rev.
He will keep the papal title Benedict XVI, rather than reverting to the name Joseph Ratzinger, and will be referred to as "his holiness, " Vatican spokesman the Rev.
Gabriele was arrested in May, following a Vatican investigation into how the pope's private documents appeared in the book "Sua Santita" ("His Holiness"), by Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi.
If the fact that Pius XII was a pope gave his sainthood cause some inherent advantages, in other ways it made perceptions of his holiness less immediate and less personal.
The Vatican butler was arrested in May, accused of passing papal correspondence to journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, whose book His Holiness: The Secret Papers Of Pope Benedict XVI was published that month.
Last month, the Vatican gave Cardinal Julian Herranz a "pontifical mandate" to uncover the source of hundreds of personal letters and confidential documents given to Gianluigi Nuzzi, an Italian journalist and author of "Sua Santita, " a book that translates to "His Holiness" and includes the documents.
Last month, the Vatican gave Cardinal Julian Herranz a "pontifical mandate" to uncover the source of hundreds of personal letters and confidential documents that have been released to Gianluigi Nuzzi, an Italian journalist and author of "Sua Santita, " a book that translates to "His Holiness" and includes the documents.
CNN: No cardinal suspected of pope papers leak, Vatican insists
Exceptional is the fact that he has Knighthoods from two Popes: His Holiness the late Pope John Paul II honoured him as Knight of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St Sylvester (KSS), and His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has further elevated him to Knight Commander of the said order (KCSS), in recognition of his pursuit of peace and culture amongst nations.
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Yet the cardinals rightly attach more importance to the character, holiness and principles of their chosen pontiff than to such superficial matters as his age.