• Certainly, he has had little incentive to moderate his intransigence as long as he believed sanctions would stay in force no matter what he did.

    ECONOMIST: Settling with Saddam

  • His intransigence seems only to be increasing his popularity.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Then, finding no international support for his intransigence, he decided to reshuffle the deck: start a war that might give him the upper hand--a war that would bring enough international pressure on Israel to enable him to dictate terms.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What Undid the Middle East 'Peace Process'

  • Her frustration with him and his intransigence welled up and she was thinking of leaving, letting him lie in his own mess until the orderly arrived, when she noticed that his eyes were not simply closed but squeezed shut, like those of a child playing hide-and-seek.

    NEWYORKER: The Visitor

  • His work was hardly recognized when he was alive, partly due to his own intransigence in presenting it inappropriately, but also due to the rigid mindset of the time, which refused to see its genius.

    FORBES: Who Was The Most Badass Mathematician?

  • President Ahmadinejad's hostile remarks toward Israel and his team's intransigence on the nuclear issue may have had the goal of undermining any opening to the US. Mike Shuster, NPR News.

    NPR: Iran's New President Stirs Political Turmoil

  • Mr Bush might well either get his judges or use the Democrats' intransigence as ammunition to push the Republicans up to 60 seats next year.

    ECONOMIST: Congress and the judiciary

  • Second, when each of his concessions are met with further Palestinian intransigence, Netanyahu has argued that the disparity between Israeli concessions and Palestinian rejectionism and extremism demonstrates that it is Israel, not the Palestinians that should be supported by the West.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A win-win plan for Netanyahu

  • The intransigence was both a function of his strength and a contributor to it.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Add to this one consequence of President Obama's intransigence on a debt solution: His other priorities are in limbo.

    WSJ: Strassel: The Real Gun-Control Consensus

  • So too, the fact that every Israeli concession has been met by Palestinian intransigence has had no impact on either Obama or his European counterparts.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A win-win plan for Netanyahu

  • But if the plan ultimately founders on Greek rather than Turkish intransigence, Mr Erdogan will at least have boosted his European credentials and taken a step closer to Brussels.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey and Cyprus

  • But if there is something which Tolkien and his company could offer us by way of insight it is this: the intransigence and persistence of human evil.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

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