"His view of life has always been, 'If you do a good job, if you really do your homework, if you're thorough and intelligent about how you handle these tasks, it speaks for itself, and the rest will take care of itself, '" Pachios says.
And even Mr Quilter, with his progressive view of life in a call centre, says that late shifts remain unpopular.
He launched into his routine, all expressing a wildly apathetic view of life, and it caught his clients by surprise.
As a young man, he was excited by the French revolution, and he retained an idealised view of Napoleon to the end of his life.
As historian of science Stanley Jaki spent his life documenting, the pagan world view was one of endless cycles, of oscillations, of rise and fall, golden ages of glory, bronze ages of decline, iron and stone ages of despair, with no genuine permanent progress.
FORBES: Christmas, Kurtosis, Fat Tails, Black Swans and Risk Management
The time in Rome, he said, changed his life and informed his view of design and architecture.
Family ties that can be a liability in his native China gave Guan an unusually quirky view of life.
At the same time, he seems to have a very troubled or complicated view of how race plays out in his own life.
Liberal politics, on his account, is rooted in a view of what matters in a human life.
On Wednesday, Eric Berg of Barclays Capital said reiterated his view that the steep drop in life insurers' share prices over the past two weeks does not point to a looming solvency problem in the industry.
Bernard Jenkin MP, a Conservative rebel on the recent EU budget vote, gave his view that the EU budget is "one of the biggest scandals in public life... the accounts haven't been signed off for 17 years on the trot".
The second-floor balcony has been enlarged to permit a better view of Matisse's spectacular "La Danse, " and his "Joy of Life, " once in a stairwell, has been given its own space.
His view of abortion as a moral wrong but an individual right is unlikely to persuade the pro-life wing of the Party that he would not appoint another David Souter to the Supreme Court.