In this sense CCS is no different from the historical development of nuclear, wind, solar and other technologies.
Section 107 is best analyzed by reviewing the historical context surrounding the development of Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code, the clergy housing allowance.
He offers a journalistic account of its worldwide use in tandem with a historical one of the development of English as it made its way around the world.
If Eurozone countries have the courage to embrace this great challenge, not only will confidence be restored on security markets, but this crisis will become the occasion for a historical turning point in the development of Europe as political entity.
Only 2% of the ancient city has been excavated, but those buried historical treasures are threatened by encroaching development.
The Brazilian experience stands out for the grandiosity of its act, which was not just the final chapter of a historical process but was also integrated to a development and self-affirming national strategy.
UNESCO: Brasilia hosts exhibition on World Heritage in Brazil
The Geopark's outstanding historical contribution, both in terms of the development of geological and archaeological sciences is astounding: from the Huttonian Theory, to the naming of the Devonian Period by Sedgwick and Murchison, and even Pengelly's discoveries informing worldwide public opinion as to the antiquity of man.
The conservation team led by Italian conservator Costantino Meucci together with a national team from the Department of Archaeology and the Lumbini Development Trust restored a section of the historical brick structure inside the Mayadevi Temple.
He added that in addressing climate change, the international community must not "turn a blind eye to historical responsibilities, per capita emissions and different levels of development".
Many Berliners believe that tampering with the wall, which is protected as a historical monument, shows how the city's identity is shifting amid development and commercialization.
Although several new drugs for fighting bacteria are in development, experts caution that we are decades behind in comparison with the historical rate at which we have discovered and developed new antibiotics.
They are tactics taken to support historical behaviors, which trade off short-term profit improvement for long-term new market development.
But in the past few years, two neighbourhoods to the north and south of Old Jerusalem have undergone a spate of new development to keep up with tourist demand, revealing pockets of a modernised city amid otherwise historical sites.