Children project foresees the creation of multi-media educational programmes in History and Geography of Russia for high school based on the website
He says he expects to come to a settlement quite easily, and that one of BP's strengths is its long history of involvement with Russia, which contributes about 10% of BP's profits.
Wednesday's attack was by far the most daring rebel exploit in the decade-long history of the conflict in Russia's would-be breakaway republic.
In terms of its geography, history, culture, mentality, Russia is a European country, of course we are counting on and will seek to expand our cooperation with the EU. This aspiration is fully appreciated and supported by all the leading EU countries and the leadership of the European Commission.
He has used his stature as one of history's best practitioners of chess, the national sport of Russia, to speak truth to power on behalf of millions of his countrymen who have become too intimidated to challenge Putin's systematic liquidation of what passed for democracy there.
Civil society, as we know it in the West, has been virtually nonexistent for most of Russia's history.
Because of Russia's history of official atheism and anti-Semitism, there are few countries where Jewish-Christian relations present so many paradoxes.
Given the brutal history between Russia and so much of Europe and speculation that so much of the money is ill gotten it is clear why it would be so politically unpalatable to countries in the euro zone, Germany in particular, to bail out Russian depositors.
Some Turks dream of new relationships with Iran, Syria or Russia but these countries have a history of backing Turkey's internal trouble-makers, from Kurdish separatists to Islamists.
Yes, Russia does have a long history of state supervision of speech approriateness.
And as Dmitry said, the United States and Russia, because of our history and because we are nuclear superpowers, have a special obligation.
In some ways, the seven years of his presidency have been among the least bad periods in Russia's history, which helps to explain his popularity but so does his neutering of the media, strangulation of political opposition and suborning of parliament and elections.
No Arctic country not even Russia, which has a poor history of conservation could contemplate wreaking such environmental havoc unilaterally.
Yet viewed through the lens of Russia's uneasy relationship with its imperial history, the hostile reaction is logical.
Russia maintains a large conscript army with a long history of personnel problems that include bullying, ethnic tensions and malnutrition, as well as death and injury during training exercises.
Russia, of course, has had an almost uninterrupted history of autocracy and dictatorship.
The United States and Russia have a history already, a decade-long history, of locking down loose nuclear materials.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
For reasons of both history and strategic prudence, the next administration should confer with our allies and Russia about its plans for missile defense, and seriously consider their views.
And Russia is merely one border--and a lot of overlapping, dark history--away from Ukraine.
And we can expect trouble in the Balkans from Russia, which, going well back into history, has regarded itself as protector of the Serbs.
Why do hard-boiled analysts, who see right through rigged elections in Russia and Syria, fall for "the biggest crime of fraud in Egyptian history"?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Don't ignore electoral fraud in Egypt
History has shown that British foreign policy was built around containing Russia and that Iran is one of the areas which both the UK and Russia fight for.
As last week's column pointed out, no country can look back on its history without shame, and modern Russia does not need to feel perpetually burdened by the crimes of the Soviet Union.
Russia has been, more or less, an orderly country for much of its history.
But Novgorod's place in Russian history, and Russia's search for a post-communist identity, do give the notion of a Novgorod model a special potency.
Last Monday, representatives of what is, arguably, the most anti-nuclear American administration in history agreed to a joint statement with Russia, China, Britain and France to ban the bomb.