Launched, with great fanfare, as a history of Scotland, it starts only in 1700 and has little to say about the 20th century.
Partly plated with 24ct gold and commissioned by the Incorporation of Goldsmiths, the abstract sculpture was designed to symbolise the importance of the three honours in the history of Scotland.
Based in Anstruther, the attraction records the history of the Scotland fishing industry and includes a collection of more than 66, 000 items.
Archaeologists are leading volunteers in a four-day dig to uncover the hidden history beneath one of Scotland's most famous landmarks.
Or are we plagued forever with the social economic history of Glasgow and the West of Scotland and Ireland, of references to the establishment and men in bowler hats and claims that the outcome of the league championship is decided by a gathering of referees in a Masonic Hall in July?
It encapsulates what makes Stirling different to the rest of the country - its location, its place in history as the traditional capital of Scotland and its quality of life.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | City launches new marketing drive
But the long history of Viking and Norse settlement in Scotland has left an indelible mark.
"It seems to me that today's event represents the stirring meeting of Scotland's history and its living heritage, " he said.
Alex Scott, SNH area officer for West Sutherland and Wester Ross (North), said the caves provided a unique record of Scotland's ancient history, as glaciers during the Ice Age erased many remains buried just below the surface of the ground.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | New tests on rare polar bear find
Some of Scotland's more unusual history has been told in a new guide written and illustrated in the style of a graphic novel.
Nevertheless, the history, culture and political and economic circumstances of both Scotland and Wales make a move towards independence highly unlikely.
ECONOMIST: Devolution: The choice for Scotland and Wales | The
"I love the folklore and Celtic mythology of Scotland and also the time in history when the Romans were invading and building walls, " he said.
Central Scotland Police said Mr McDonald has a history of mental illness and requires daily medication, and he may appear confused and disorientated.
During the debate Ms White said "Scotland's people has a proud history of standing up against injustice" and they want to see these traditions and values reflected in parliament.
The remote islands off the northern tip of Scotland, their physical presence and their long history which seemed to merge backwards, almost seamlessly, into myth, were his entire world.
Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said it was one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in Scotland's history.
To be clear, it is perfectly natural for questions to be asked about whether a chief executive should retain a badge indicating that he is revered nationally in some kind of way, after his reckless expansion of Royal Bank of Scotland led to the biggest taxpayer bailout in British corporate history and contributed to the darkest deepest recession since the 1930s.
Dr Jonathan Benjamin, of WA Coastal and Marine and the University of Edinburgh, said Scotland was a maritime nation with a rich seafaring history.
The referendum presents one of the most important decisions in Scotland's and the UK's history.
But the Scotland squad coach believes the current crop of Scots are capable of making history.
The convention saw 100 of Scotland's clan chiefs assembled together for the first time in recorded history.
Mr Williams has worked with Dennis Parsons at the Somerset Heritage Centre, Somerset Archaeological Natural History Society, which owns the collection, and leading insect fossil expert Andrew Ross, from the Museum of Scotland, to get the Taunton collection curated.
Green MSP Patrick Harvie said the new bridge was "the most expensive SNP press release in history" and warned Scotland would end up with two bridges for private cars, when the transport minister of the day was forced by angry motorists to open the old bridge to more than just public transport.
Launched from the small town of Dumbarton on the banks of the River Clyde in western Scotland in 1869, the Cutty Sark has a long and colorful history.