• At a meeting earlier, he warned the current term would be "one of the most challenging in the history of the state of Israel" but pointed out that the defence, interior and foreign ministries remained in their hands.

    BBC: Israel's cabinet for change - if it lasts

  • Haifa could face the same sanction if it does not commit to "upholding academic freedom, and in particular ceases its victimisation of academic staff and students who seek to research and discuss the history of the founding of the state of Israel".

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Academics vote on Israel boycott

  • Please take a look at the history of Arab aggression against Israel, both at the state level and through guerrilla actions.

    BBC: You are in: Talking Point

  • The lessons that Bennett draws from recent history are familiar, and not only on the right: If Israel were to allow the establishment of a Palestinian state, what is now the West Bank would quickly become a second Gaza a Hamas-led bastion of Islamic radicalism, a launch pad for rocket fire aimed at Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion Airport.

    NEWYORKER: The Party Faithful

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