But half of their factory went unused, and the recession hit them hard.
WHITEHOUSE: The 2011 State of the Union Address: Enhanced Version
Ben Crane, who played alongside Points, had birdie chances on the last two holes that would have dropped if he had hit them hard enough.
In a statement, released by the Ministry of Defence on behalf of the family, Lauren said that they were an extremely close family and that Channing's death had "hit them hard".
The collapse of the dotcom boom and the sharp downturn in computer and telecommunications markets hit them especially hard.
Men used to rule the roost and making the adjustment to a slightly more equal world has hit some of them hard.
"These stories which hit honest, decent, salt-of-the-earth folk like the Pattons and those who work for them, hit us all hard, " he said.
This fact hit pilots very hard since the FAA requires them to retire at age 60.
Recession 101 currently exists in more than 30 states, among them Michigan and Rhode Island, which have been hit particularly hard by the current economic downturn.
CNN: Ad campaign wants you to think positive during recession
Bloomberg news says increased Chinese competition has hit European wind- and solar-power firms hard, and several of them now face bankruptcy.
The Garden State was hit particularly hard by Sandy, leaving millions without electricity and clean water, among them, Knight Capital.
My little brother even raised eight baby possums after their mother was hit by a car (all named Henry, so it was hard to tell them apart).
Its provincial hotels, like Hilton's or those of lesser groups, such as Jarvis, were never too hard-hit by world events, though foot-and-mouth disease hurt them in 2001.
ECONOMIST: Overseas visitors are flowing in to fill London's hotels
And we would above all have banged and banged the drum about youth unemployment, so that -- if nothing else -- the hard-hit cohort of 20-somethings would know that somebody in Washington gave a damn about them.
"If you can hit the house owners hard in the pocket every time, they are much more vigilant about who is renting from them, " says Darryl Plecas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University College of the Fraser Valley.