Inside thick jungle, hidden from aerial view, they hit upon boatyards and completed submarines.
Goyer says he hit upon doing a show about da Vinci only by chance.
He hit upon Fortify in 2002 with the idea of inverting an old problem.
By the time he hit upon Smashies, he had been in the food business for three years.
Eventually, Pollick hit upon the idea of creating his own foundation to push the charitable causes of celebrities.
Jun hit upon the idea of raising funds to send a humanitarian shipment of medical supplies to Gracanica.
In the spring of 2009 Rattray hit upon the idea of charging not-for-profits for access to potential donors.
Louboutin hit upon the red-soles gambit in 1993, his third year in business.
But if they do allow it, Urwitz expects there will be big disclosures about the tax hit upon conversion.
FORBES: Roth 401(K) Conversions For All Thanks To Fiscal Cliff Deal
Shelf-loads of business-advice books claim to have hit upon the secret, while would-be innovation gurus dine out on speaking fees.
Hadfield took a few liberties with the lyrics of the 1969 Bowie song, which became a hit upon its 1973 rerelease.
In the mid-naughts, we did hit upon a low-cost, quality content play, buying an innovative startup, Weblogs, and its publishing platform.
FORBES: Inside Forbes: Amid the Finger Pointing, Journalists Need to Explore New Payment Models
But BMW Sauber hit upon a way to make the leaps forward that other midfield teams have been unable to match.
Raising the petrol tax is political poison, so Congress has hit upon a drearily predictable solution: to take the money from somewhere else.
ECONOMIST: Infrastructure spending: A patch on the road | The
His staff hit upon another idea: Pledge the existing endowment as collateral for loans from banks, and lend the proceeds to students at normal rates.
Working through his development company, Oliaros (the ancient Greek name for Antiparos), the 40-year-old entrepreneur has hit upon an innovative approach for reviving Greek real estate.
In the early 1990s he saw a PBS program on the microprocessor and Intel and hit upon another notion: Why not design a microchip for drug release?
It was founded in 2007 and spent the better part of two years flailing around for a profitable business model until Rattray hit upon a clever approach.
When he ran short of celebrities to act as models, he hit upon a new idea: he turned models into celebrities, creating a new creature called the supermodel.
Mr Roberts, for whom this is a first excursion into the Napoleonic period, hit upon the interesting idea of teasing out what the two generals thought of each other.
With his remark, Dr. Yunus hit upon one of the main themes of the book: the blurring line between profit and non-profit, business and charity when providing a social good.
And now people ask: What magic have we hit upon that has enabled us to become a national model for educating students of all races in a wide range of disciplines?
In the most recent case, he hit upon the succession issue, one of intense interest to Indonesians throughout the nation's more than 6, 000 inhabited islands and nearly 2 million square kilometers.
They investigated the documents of the current Under-20 squad, and last week hit upon what must surely be one of the most glaring attempts in the dubious history of age limit cheating.
Instead of giving them to a museum, where he was afraid that half of them would languish in a basement reserve, he hit upon the idea of having his own gallery built.
It took him several years of trial and error with the Girl Talk project before he hit upon the intersection of his geeky interest in pop and music that was actually considered pop.
FORBES: Girl Talk's Gregg Gillis On Copyright, Curation and Making Mashups Rhyme
After years of fruitless exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, Israel hit upon billions in potential revenue and energy independence in 2009 with the discovery of one of the largest offshore finds in a decade.
FORBES: What does an Israel-Turkey Awakening Mean for Mediterranean Gas?
"All we're doing is adapting what nature has hit upon a very good way of storing information, " said Nick Goldman, a computational biologist at the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, England, and lead author of the Nature paper.
WSJ: Scientists Store King Speech, Shakespeare Sonnets in DNA
After Emily hit upon the fossil with a spade, her father and palaeontologist Dr Neville Hollingworth helped her dig out the block of mudstone the 162.8 million-year-old object, which had spikes to ward off predators, was encased in.
BBC: Children discover 'rare' fossils at Cotswold Water Park
Aglow with a feeling of accomplishment, I hit upon the brilliant idea of going back another generation, to collect the diaries and papers of a beloved ancestor, who had also been a very senior Advisor in the court of one of the premier Maharajas of South India.