That is not because a new wave of primatologists has emerged, pith-helmeted, from the jungle with hitherto unknown specimens.
The election of Mr Serwotka, a hitherto unknown benefits agency worker and fast-talking union official in Leeds, was a big surprise.
Other artefacts, including pottery and an entrance to a hitherto unknown crypt were also found in the church, which dates back to 1100.
Thanks to the development of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the US has been able to exploit a massive and hitherto unknown resource.
They have been able to uncover a treasure trove of hitherto unknown links between specific genetic variants and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Networks comprised of these automated devices will generate more information than people can hope to consume and potentially establish hitherto unknown patterns that tell how the world works.
The new compound works by a hitherto unknown pathway of chemical reactions in the brain cells, particularly those in those parts of the brain which are related to appetite.
Well, thank goodness ET is here to shine the spotlight on the hitherto unknown and unfair social practice of slim, pretty women getting more attention from men than fat ones.
The move brings to light a separate stream of the family, derived from the affair of a great-grandfather and an African-American cook, and black and white relatives, hitherto unknown to one another, gather together.
Other theorists, such as Georgi Dvali of New York University and Joao Magueijo of Imperial College, London, say a changing alpha might come from a hitherto unknown force of nature that could modify the law of gravity.
Meanwhile a group calling itself the "Rassemblement des Forces Democratiques de Guinee" had been phoning international radio stations, and a hitherto unknown spokesman, Mohamed Lamine Fofana, had been claiming the attacks were the work of the Guinean opposition.
The alarming statements by the WHO and other UN agencies last week may in part have been prompted by a widespread feeling that health authorities in Asia failed to act quickly enough last year to contain the SARS virus, a hitherto unknown human infection.
Because the Mac team has always understood that really great design makes an object seem like a hitherto-unknown part of oneself, a new way to encounter and express yourself in the outside world.