• That is not because a new wave of primatologists has emerged, pith-helmeted, from the jungle with hitherto unknown specimens.

    ECONOMIST: Species inflation

  • The election of Mr Serwotka, a hitherto unknown benefits agency worker and fast-talking union official in Leeds, was a big surprise.

    ECONOMIST: Trade unions

  • Other artefacts, including pottery and an entrance to a hitherto unknown crypt were also found in the church, which dates back to 1100.

    BBC: Somerset ancient churches to be excavated and surveyed

  • Thanks to the development of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the US has been able to exploit a massive and hitherto unknown resource.

    BBC: Welcome to my page

  • They have been able to uncover a treasure trove of hitherto unknown links between specific genetic variants and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

    BBC: Has decoding the genome lived up to hype?

  • Networks comprised of these automated devices will generate more information than people can hope to consume and potentially establish hitherto unknown patterns that tell how the world works.

    FORBES: The Wireless Boom That Won't Need Us

  • The new compound works by a hitherto unknown pathway of chemical reactions in the brain cells, particularly those in those parts of the brain which are related to appetite.

    BBC: Hope for fat control drug

  • Well, thank goodness ET is here to shine the spotlight on the hitherto unknown and unfair social practice of slim, pretty women getting more attention from men than fat ones.

    FORBES: Stop With The Stupid Fat Suit Experiments, Please

  • The move brings to light a separate stream of the family, derived from the affair of a great-grandfather and an African-American cook, and black and white relatives, hitherto unknown to one another, gather together.

    NEWYORKER: Moving Midway

  • Other theorists, such as Georgi Dvali of New York University and Joao Magueijo of Imperial College, London, say a changing alpha might come from a hitherto unknown force of nature that could modify the law of gravity.

    ECONOMIST: Fundamental physics

  • Meanwhile a group calling itself the "Rassemblement des Forces Democratiques de Guinee" had been phoning international radio stations, and a hitherto unknown spokesman, Mohamed Lamine Fofana, had been claiming the attacks were the work of the Guinean opposition.

    BBC: The Guinea conflict explained

  • The alarming statements by the WHO and other UN agencies last week may in part have been prompted by a widespread feeling that health authorities in Asia failed to act quickly enough last year to contain the SARS virus, a hitherto unknown human infection.

    ECONOMIST: Averting a global plague | The

  • Because the Mac team has always understood that really great design makes an object seem like a hitherto-unknown part of oneself, a new way to encounter and express yourself in the outside world.

    FORBES: Happy Birthday, Mac!

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