He has a dozen or so hives around the area and others in different parts of the city.
Since childhood, Amy had suffered from severe allergies, which could manifest as hives or eczema.
Nunu didn't like messing about with the hives, and one day we sold all eighteen colonies.
One study suggested that neonicotinoids affected the abilities of hives to produce queen bees.
Of these, 39% were admitted for urticaria - a severe outbreak of itchy hives.
She eased into the downshift, starting a hobby as a beekeeper with two hives.
Some made their way into new hives, and the pattern has been repeating itself ever since.
Now he has branched out from urban beekeeping to extra hives hidden away in woods.
The association has criticised an initiative by a business group offering hives to central London firms.
Unlike honeybee hives, colonies of Exoneura contain several fertile females sometimes as many as eight.
After going through the rest of the hives, van Engelsdorp decided to conduct an anatomical inspection.
Such changes to the industry have been reflected in the prices for bee hives.
He used to have more hives but some colonies died over the winter.
Instead of isolated knowledge hives, you build engaged communities who relate and share with one another naturally.
Some hives were given realistic doses of thiamtethoxam, a variety of neonicotinoid, while others were left alone.
The pub is really atmospheric and they even make a beer using honey from rooftop bee hives.
Bishop answers by depicting the life of Donald Smiley, 46, who tends 700 hives in the Florida panhandle.
At a minimum, someone has to say the right thing, even if it gives people like Kennan hives.
Five businesses who have signed up are hosting 40, 000 bees in eight hives on their roofs and terraces.
BBC: London offices offered bee hives to 'boost work morale'
Businesses in central London are being offered free bee hives to see if they will enhance office morale.
BBC: London offices offered bee hives to 'boost work morale'
Finally, he extracts the honey from the hives in a small, richly scented "honey house" behind his home.
They then looked to see whether there was anything in the abandoned hives that was not found elsewhere.
ECONOMIST: A virus may help explain colony collapse disorder
To get the powder on to the bees, Exosect has produced traps that fit into the entrance of hives.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Sticky bees combat insect pests
For example, hives are sometimes blamed on a certain food when a virus was the actual cause, he added.
Since the early eighties, the number of hives has dropped by almost half.
By the time he had gone through the four hundred hives on the lot, only forty were still standing.
Mr. Alvarez now tends between 600 and 700 hives, which produce more than 15, 000 pounds of honey a year.
Instead of going out, they stayed in their hives and ate their honey.
BBC: UK insect numbers 'very low' after months of wet weather
Yet this virus was also present in many of the apparently healthy hives.
ECONOMIST: A virus may help explain colony collapse disorder
Wax moth larvae burrow through the comb in hives gradually destroying the cells where broods are raised and honey stored.