We mooned the moon and laughed ourselves hoarse, and I'm so incredibly grateful for every silly second.
Mr. Page's voice has continued to sound hoarse and raspy during earnings conference calls with investors.
WSJ: Google CEO Larry Page Diagnosed With 'Vocal Cord Paralysis'
Employers and trade unions alike have made themselves hoarse calling for interest rates to be cut.
He talked about today being hoarse, and everyone can hear that as well.
First up is Page, again with the odd, perhaps even more hoarse voice he had last quarter, almost a whisper.
Symptoms include a lump in the neck, a hoarse voice, a sore throat and difficulty swallowing that does not get better.
Keough is nearly hoarse from reciting his spiel to mildly interested passersby.
Some people who naturally produce an unusual-sounding or hoarse voice may develop benign lesions that grow on the vocal cord, he said.
WSJ: Google CEO Larry Page Assures Employees About Health, Says 'Nothing Seriously Wrong'
He claimed to have discovered a 12th-century ancestor called Rhys the Hoarse.
Within a week, he grew hoarse, and from the next room it was as though another man were singing not Dad but a growly stranger.
When Portland and Seattle met at CenturyLink Field in October 2012, more than 66, 000 supporters (the second biggest crowd in MLS history) turned up and sang themselves hoarse.
"If you're up against a bigger competitor, which we are with Bell, you have to get bigger to survive, " he wheezes, still hoarse after a cold.
Starring, as the leader of the thieves, Jason Statham, who has clipped hair, burning eyes, and a hoarse voice that sounds like acid running over gravel.
Watching the semi-final between Argentina and the All Blacks at a pub in Sydney, one Wallabies fan was hoarse by the end of game, after shouting "Choke!"
But in a display of incredible grit he lifted it seven times in a row screaming himself hoarse on the sixth try putting him in fourth place over all.
In the last days of the 1992 campaign, President Bush had that kind of revelation and jetted around the country, waving his arms and shouting himself hoarse.
Mr. Page's voice generally sounds slightly strained, raspy or hoarse.
WSJ: Google CEO Larry Page Assures Employees About Health, Says 'Nothing Seriously Wrong'
And you notice, my voice is getting a little hoarse.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Tampa, FL
But this did not stop people cheering themselves hoarse, hugging each other and dancing jigs to marachi music, while hundreds of cars honked their horns in time, creating a samba-style cresendo of sound.
Since conservatives constantly shout themselves hoarse about the dangers posed by moral relativism, and constantly re-iterate that they are in favor of absolute moral standards, this would seem to be a bit odd, even contradictory.
Now, you may have noticed that my voice sounds just a little hoarse. (Laughter.) We are right in the middle of our 48-hour fly-around campaign extravaganza. (Applause.) We pulled an all-nighter last night.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Richmond VA
Top down, you can really hear the slightly hoarse, throaty song of all six cylinders, whereas we were almost disappointed with our most recent drive of a Carrera, where some of the classic Porsche gruffness seemed to be missing.
She shrieked and a moment later I was running down the street with the two men chasing me and shouting curses, or what I assumed were curses, great hoarse expletives that echoed through the trees and set dogs barking in the dark houses.